… Tournament opens tonight at MSC Hard Court
THE fourth annual New Era Entertainment/Mohamed’s Enterprise Futsal tournament will kick off tonight at the Mackenzie Sports Club (MSC) hard court in Linden with six games from 21:30 hrs.
Following a march-past of the 26 participating teams, Customs will take on Russians, followed by West Side Ballers against Hard Ball, Plantain All-Stars versus Bosai. Amelia’s Ward will battle Nut Man All-Stars, High Rollers will square-off with Redline and in the night’s final game, NK’s Ballers face East Side Jammers.
The winning team, after the conclusion of the tournament on December 26, will take home $500 000, second-placers $150 000, third-place finishers $50 000. Fourth-placers, however, will have to settle for a trophy.
Meanwhile, yesterday, ExxonMobil became the latest sponsor for Linden’s premier Futsal tournament, when they handed a cheque for an undisclosed amount to the organisers.