Taxi driver wanted in teacher’s murder
Dead: Kescia Branche
Dead: Kescia Branche

THE police are seeking to contact a taxi driver whose cellphone number appeared repeatedly on Kescia Branche’s phone as they draw near to wrapping up their investigations into her death.

The police were granted an additional 72 hours Monday to further detain the suspects. A total of nine statements have been taken from persons and three suspects are in custody, including the father of Branche’s three-year-old son.

Police related that the taxi driver’s car was impounded at the Brickdam Police Station and it is suspected that he left the country after Branche’s body was found with a broken leg and in an unconscious state on November 5.

Investigators are of the opinion that the driver may have been the last person to see the teacher alive.

The Richard Ishmael Secondary school teacher died two days after being found battered in the City at the Georgetown Public Hospital.

A post-mortem indicated that she died as a result of brain haemorrhage.

The police had requested CCTV footage in the area and it was reviewed.

Crime Chief (ag), Paul Williams recently said that persons will be charged this week as the investigation continues into the death of Branche.


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