Dear Sir,
I DON’T know Clinton Urling, never met him personally, neither have I ever dined at his restaurant, so I can’t be accused of soup-drinking. Suffice it to say that my dietary intake may not subscribe to the culinary delights offered at German’s. Nevertheless, it ought not to be construed that I’m coming to the defence of Urling. Since in my estimation he is quite capable of defending himself, which was done on more than one occasion, in the print media and quite rightfully so.
However, as a consequence of the recent publication of a letter by Mike Archer (S.N. 05.10.17) captioned “Urling’s criticism of GFF unconscionable,” it’s within this context that I posited the relevant question in relation to the above caption. Firstly, where was Mike Archer during the period of Urling’s tenure as chairman of the FIFA-appointed Normalisation Committee?
A timely reminder to the individual just in case he wasn’t around, Wayne Forde, the current GFF President, was the President of Fruta Conquerors at that time. Secondly, during the period of the Normalisation Committee, the GFA of which Conquerors was an affiliate. The former was in an administrative quagmire, to the extent that the association was not properly normalised, but yet still the election of office bearers went ahead.
Thirdly, with Forde’s former compatriot from Conquerors, a serving member of the NSC, at the helm of the GFA at the time. Editor, within the print media by way of letter, I was extremely objectionable to the process of “Constitutional Reform/Upgrade being incomplete and the GFA –AGM/Elections of Office –Bearers” going ahead, with the relevant “voting rights” accredited to “all and sundry.” This within itself presented a dilemma, since clubs falling outside of their respective constitutional mandates, i.e. the period when their AGM should be held, failing which, automatic non-participation in the electoral process.
Fourthly, with the GFA still being unable to achieve its “Locus Standi” leading up to its AGM. My public concern! Within the association structure a criteria can’t be fulfilled, then nationally an individual, ought not to be appointed. Further, with football as an olympic sport; how come the GOA never rendered assistance, in arbitrating with the ongoing scenario at the time with the four disgruntled clubs in the expansion of the Elite League?
Fifthly, in all of the “gesticulating and meandering” football in Guyana is still underdeveloped.
While I can’t recall up to Frankie Wilson’s tenure as president (ag) and prior, if it had ever reached the stage of duplicity, inconsistency, nepotism and unprofessionalism. Constitutionality and the relevant articulation, are essential for the well-being of the sport, from an administrative perspective. So, in actuality and factually if the GFF executive don’t want to enforce “Constitutional Articulation or Parliamentary Procedures” upon a recalcitrant and GFA or any other affiliate that is dormant, then, the governing body should rethink its attribute of “good governance,” but also look into the mirror!
Sixthly, both CONCACAF and FIFA not acting in the best interest of “Fair Play, For the Good of the Game and Love of the World.” Rather, they both would have resorted to “big stick diplomacy” in aiding the continued underdevelopment of the sport locally, by enforcing the expansion of the Elite League. Have the dictatorial policies of FIFA, changed significantly from those of its predecessors or have they gotten worse? Maybe the scrapping of the Anti-Racism Committee task force, under the current FIFA president should be an indication of making FIFA “Great/ White again.” That an initial agreement of expanding the Elite League, within two years, within two additional clubs was “torpedoed” by the Forde-led administration despite the fact: Fruta Conquerors, which at the time had Forde as its President, was in agreement with the other stakeholders.
As a consequence, Urling was/is within his right to question both the Confederation and FIFA, of their collective decision, in supporting the expansion of the Elite League. The 10 points listed by Archer as achievements by the GFF, isn’t something one should “boast and brag” about, since any elected executive is supposed to do, in pursuit of “meaningful development. If, for some strange reason, the individual should do some research, then he would know that more funds, compliments of FIFA, have been disbursed to the GFF more than any other previous executive. As for the NAMILCO-sponsored Associations under-17 competitions,this sponsorship initially from the inception was with Fruta Conquerors, while Marlan Cole was the President; with Forde leaving the club, he took it to the GFF, a clear-cut case of hijacking!
Editor, in the absence of football being played, more so at the senior level, both domestically and nationally, can there be a fair assessment or evaluation of the individuals who attended courses, workshops or seminars? Further, are individuals required to submit a report to Associations, Referees Councils and Coaches Associations as was done in the past? Way back in 1986, I attended the GFL Demico House-sponsored Club Leadership Training seminar #2, which was my first. Additionally, the then GFA, Administrators and Referees Seminar, with a keynote address by former CFU and CONCACAF Vice President, Lisle Austin. Marketing and Accountabilities, Stadium Management and Security of the GFF /FIFA. In relation to the latter, it was based on an assessment and subsequent examination that the G.C.C ground was deemed unfit and unsafe to host World Cup qualifiers, for 2010.
In 1997, while serving as Hon. Secretary, G.F.L (then) which was my first of three stints, former Fruta Conquerors, Coach, Deryck Whyte and myself were engaged in a conversation pertaining to: “Anton Corneal, who at the time was a member of the T&T under-23 coaching staff that was engaging a local national under -23 line-up the following day. Whereby we both agreed that under-16 youths in Georgetown would benefit immensely from a coaching clinic coordinated by Corneal. All it took was a phone call to former GFL, President, Winston Callender, and the rest was history. Over 50 youths turned out the next morning at the GFC. We took no “credit or praise” for the initiative, since football was the winner!
All in all, I was totally against the Elite League from the inception and for that reason, I didn’t accept a paid assignment. My take in the absence of a supporting league, a tier below with more clubs drawn from more Associations would have been conducive to “overall development.” The “visionless insight, expanding to 10 teams was making the pinnacle more top heavy, with no supporting foundation.” But does CONCACAF and FIFA, both care what passes for development in Guyana? By the way, when will the third edition of the Elite League commence?
Editor, its anyone’s guess why Archer would descend to a “clogged-up and overflowing gutter” to publicly highlight Urling’s name appearing on a List of Candidates for the PPP/C, in the 2015 National and Regional Elections! Isn’t that the individual’s constitutional, democratic and fundamental right? Or, is Archer implying that German’s Restaurant should be boycotted, albeit the Kashif and Shanghai Annual K.O. Tournament, from 2011 and onwards? What a downright shame for Archer’s mental state of pettiness.
Respectfully yours,
Lester Sealey