Local shooters continue to impress leading up to WIFBSC championships.
Lennox Braithwaite
Lennox Braithwaite

IN a real match simulation of the West Indies Full Bore Shooting Council Short Range Match, the Guyana rifle team shot an impressive score of 1142: 74 Vs.
Shooting at various positions of the range at the 300-, 500- & 600-yard banks to test the conditions all over the range the scores were of an exceptionally high standard.

At 300 yards three shooters shot scores of 49. They were Ransford Goodluck with 49 (6 Vs), Lennox Braithwaite with 49 (5 Vs) and Full bore captain Mahendra Persaud 49 (4 Vs) with an overall team figure of 378 with 26 Vs.
At 500 yards it improved further with the team only dropping 8 points, shooting 392 out of the possible 400 points. Possibles were shot by Mahendra Persaud 50 (5 Vs), Braithwaite 50 (4 Vs) and Sherwin Felicien 50 (4 Vs) .

At 600 yards the wind got trickier and shooting from the extreme right of the newly renovated Timehri Rifle Ranges for the first time in over 4 years, the scores dipped.
The wind coaches had their work cut out for them and had to call on all their experience to conquer the conditions.
The wind was switching quickly and the speed was changing rapidly also, at times it was difficult to even judge what was happening.

Top Scores for the range was Felicien with 48 (2 Vs) and Goodluck 48 (1 V).
The Guyana National Rifle Association, in conjunction with the Guyana Defence Force, has expended large sums of money and effort in renovating the Timehri Rifle Ranges and can now boast of having a truly International Shooting Range.

The Fullbore shooters especially played an important part in making this a reality with lots of days in the hot sun replanting grass on the shooting banks, installing and renovating target mechanisms and in general rebuilding and redesigning the range.
This was part of the preparations for the celebrations for the 150th Anniversary of the Guyana National Rifle Association, making it one of the oldest Rifle associations in the world.

Guyana shooters are set to defend both the Short Range over 300-, 500- & 600-yard ranges and the Long Range Title over 900 and 1000 yards. They have dominated and won trophies over the past decade.

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