Residents living in Plantation Providence, East Bank Demerara are complaining bitterly about the poor quality of water they are receiving from the Guyana Water Incorporated (GWI).
According to the residents, they are currently receiving rust-coloured water with sediments inside which is both bad for their health and homes.

Despite several reports to the water company, the residents say that their complaints seem to have fallen on deaf ears, as they still have to put up with the poor quality of water.
Speaking with the Guyana Chronicle, Dian Hollingsworth, a resident in the area, explained that she was forced to install two water filters in her home. And within less than 12 hours of installing the filter, she said, the mesh was clogged and turned bright orange from the rust in the water.
“The smell from the water was rancid, and you could also get a whiff of the iron in [the] water,” Hollingsworth said.
Another resident in the area, who gave his name as just Dave, explained that the water is not safe for consumption, and is a health hazard.
According to Dave, the water is also bad for doing household chores, since it would leave rust stains on buckets, pipes, washing machines and etc. “I stop washing with the pipe water, because of the discolouration on my washing machines and clothes,” the man stressed.
He also noted that although the GWI has installed a water well in the area, they have failed to set up a treatment plant to supply quality water to its residents.
On the other hand, the resident did say that although the quality of water is bad, there is always running water; 24/7. But this is poor comfort to residents, since they still have to buy bottles of distilled water to do their chores. But what about those who cannot afford to do that? According to Dave, they just have to drink the contaminated water and pray to God that nothing happens, or boil and strain it before drinking, which in itself is another added cost.

And they were quick to point out how efficient the GWI is in sending their bills on time, and to disconnect their supply of water although it is of poor quality. Residents are, therefore, calling on the relevant authorities to look into the matter in an effort to have the situation rectified.
Recently, the government inked a US$31M water treatment project undertaken by a Chinese company, which will see three water treatment plants being built at Uitvulgt, West Coast Demerara; Diamond, East Bank Demerara; and Sheet Anchor in Berbice.
Residents in Plantation Providence will be part of the 9,292 households on the East Bank Demerara that will benefit from the treatment plant at Diamond. The project will see 70 kilometers of transmission and distribution mains being replaced and installed.
GWI Managing Director, Dr Richard Van-West Charles had said that the project is important to the company in terms of its focus on water quality. He said that it fits into the mission of GWI.
“These new treatment plants will be in addition to the existing 24 treatment plants,” he said, noting that the plants represent one of the modalities that the company is using with respect to water quality in the country.