BANKS DIH Limited and the General Workers’ Union on Wednesday signed a new three-year agreement which addresses salaries and other Conditions of Employment for the unionised employees of Banks DIH Limited for the period October 1, 2017 to September 30, 2020.
Under the new contract, the targeted employees will enjoy a seven percent increase for the first year, with increases of four percent and two percent for the subsequent years.
The agreement also includes increases in the Condition of Employment Allowances, Meals, Travel and Long Service Recognition Allowances.
Affixing their respective signatures to the Memorandum of Agreement, in the Department of Labour boardroom were Banks DIH Chairman/Managing Director, Mr. Clifford B. Reis and Human Resources Director, Mr. Andrew Carto and for the GWU, the General-President Mr. Norris Witter, General Secretary Mr. Pancham Singh, and Senior Vice-President Mr. Quincy Bailey. Chief Labour Officer, Mr Charles Ogle signed on behalf of the Department of Labour.