–Region 10 MP spearheads skills training programmes in Linden
SCORES of single-mothers and unemployed women residing in communities on the Wismar shoreline in Linden recently benefitted from a skills training programme that was initiated by young Region 10 Member of Parliament Jermaine Figueira.
The programme, which spanned several communities including Block 22, Blue Berry Hill, Wisroc, One Mile and Andy Ville, saw the participation of many women, who, over a two-week period, learned such skills as fabric designing, tie-dyeing and candle making.
With the high unemployment rate in Linden and the government’s push for entrepreneurial enterprising, MP Figueira said that the idea was birthed after he realised that despite the government has pumped money into the Linden Enterprise Network (LEN) to empower Lindeners through financial assistance, there was still a lacking in skills within the communities and therefore, it was more difficult for those unemployed to become their own bosses.
“We are very much aware that unemployment is a sore issue in Linden, and the thrust behind this skills training programme is to empower people,” Figueira said, adding:
“Government has been trying to push an entrepreneur spirit within this community, but there is shortage of a skill-set, particularly for the niche market that has great potential to boost business and entrepreneurial spirit… And that is how the training programme came into being.”

Sponsorship was sought, and responding favourably were Food for the Poor and Caring for Others out of the U.S.A. The participants learned from the best arts and crafts teachers in Linden such as Monica Higgins and Donna Perry, and at the end of the programme were given the resources they need to create their own fabric pieces, tie-dye clothing or scented candles to commence their businesses.
According to Figueira, because the course was such a huge success, it will become a regular feature on the township’s programme of activities.
Noting how impressed he was with the quality of work he saw at Saturday’s graduation exercise, Figueira said it just goes to show that there is indeed a wealth of hidden talent in the communities that need to be awakened.
Many of the participants also expressed interest in continuing the training, to further perfect their skills.
One single mother of AndyVille told the Guyana Chronicle that the programme has indeed empowered her, and that she is ready to start her own business as she has already gained a client or two.
“I think it is a really good initiative, because rather than you sit down at home not doing anything, you can get up and get, and learn something with your hands,” she said, adding:
“Is not that people were not willing, but you just needed a push; and that is what we got with this programme.
“So I would just like to thank the MP and all those that came on board.”
Other communities that will benefit from the next training programme will be Kwakwani, Rockstone, Coomacka Mines and Speightland.
With the skilled training programme now on board, there will be a great supply of new products on the market, and therefore for the success of the programme, Lindeners are being encouraged to support their own by buying local.
“The people in the communities have to be conscious that if the businesses have to grow, they have to support them so that they can create employment for fellow Lindeners and see it as a means of you contributing to the development of your community,” Figueira said.
There are also plans afoot to move from the manufacturing level to the marketing level so that the products can meet the standards of the competitors.
With this in mind, Figueira said he will be approaching GO-INVEST, the Linden Chamber of Commerce and the Georgetown Chamber of Commerce to aid in perfecting the marketing of the products.
On August 1, there will be a Linden Craft Exposition opposite the Wismar Market, where the very participants, as well as other craftsmen and women in Linden, will be showcasing their products.