Dear Editor,
THE audacity of the Mayor of Georgetown who is once again saying that they (the municipality) are in a crisis, and that they need all the help they can get is nauseating and aggravating! This is in respect of the garbage disposal contractors again suspending the services they provide City Hall as a result of the M&CC’s inability to pay them more than $300M owed since 2015.
Her brilliant solution is to have the Treasurer’s Department intensify its revenue-collection drive to recover money owed the city.
How about if she just simply pursues the option of having that department practise instead a programme of fiscal restraint and cutbacks as an alternative? They just simply cannot continue spending as lavishly as they do currently.
First, why don’t they stop going on all of these expensive overseas trips that bear no benefits for the citizens of Georgetown? Some of the Fantastic Four led by the King himself is about to embark on yet another luxury trip to North America whilst they owe the contractors and which could lead to a health crisis.
Why don’t they stop renting portable toilets at more than $90,000 a month and pay the contractors instead?
Why don’t they send home half of the staff who are made up of friends, relatives and church pals, who are paid super salaries and who have nothing to do anyway, as there are no tools to work with and most of the services are contracted out.
Why doesn’t the mayor and town clerk as a gesture of recognition of the crisis she claims they face, get rid of all of the chauffeurs, bodyguards, security at their residences and large secretarial and administrative staff that serve them? Why don’t they get rid of the fancy multi-million- dollar sports utility vehicles that they ride around in all day burning hundreds of gallons of gas each month, messing up the ozone layer and plans for a green city?
Why does she not revoke all the salary and allowance increases that her officers gave to themselves without proper authorisation and all the perks such as all expenses paid for cellular telephones for more than 40 officers?
In fact, why don’t they stop contracting out all of their services that they cannot afford to and provide the services such as garbage collection, road and bridge-building, security services, advertising etc themselves, as they used to in the past when the city was properly run?
There is a critical need for the President to set up a Commission of Inquiry into the corruption at City Hall.
And finally, why doesn’t she dissolve or at least reduce the Public Relations Department, which does absolutely nothing to enhance the city’s image, but whose employees could be seen sleeping and at other times taking selfies all day long?
But then again Mr. Editor, a simple visit to City Hall will tell who really are employed there and who they are connected to!!
Best regards
Deodarie Putulall