CENTRAL Housing and Planning Authority (CH&PA) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Lelon Saul has hailed the first ever housing solution expo at Perseverance, East Bank Demerara, a resounding success.
He told the Guyana Chronicle that hundreds of persons visited the Ministry of Communities’ booth during the first two days of the three-day event.
The expo will end today and the Authority is very pleased with the turnout thus far, the CH&PA CEO said.
He noted that the information gathered will be used by the Ministry to inform future housing solutions drive.
Persons flocked the Ministry’s booth during the first two days of the exhibition to get information on application processes and updates on existing applications.

Some persons waited patiently to have their matter heard while others endured to have their names entered into a rotisserie to be part of a drawing for a free houselot.
Visitors at the expo wasted no time in getting the relevant information about financing and insurance for their prospective properties.
Republic Bank, Scotia Bank, the New Building Society, and Nalico among other financial institutions were on hand to provide visitors with information on the services they offer.
Diane Khandi of Republic Bank told this publication that scores of persons visited their booth and many were interested in the loan application process and requirements.
NBS Deputy CEO Anil Beharry said the society was almost overwhelmed by visitors, particularly on the first day of the expo.
The NBS dubs itself the “home loan specialist in the country” and Beharry said several persons were able to qualify for housing loans.
Some visitors at the expo spoke favourably of the duplex homes, the highlight of the expo.
Dennis Hamilton of South Ruimveldt, Georgetown, said the elevated two-bedroom duplex is small for him since he has to cater for friends and family.
“It is nice and good… the duplex is ok, but it will be for the needs of those who want that type of home. Not everybody will need this same type.”
The Nedds, a family of four from Mocha, East Bank Demerara were ecstatic about the duplex houses.
“I like it. It looks comfortable for a small family like ours,” Mrs. Nedd said, noting that the layout of the upstairs and downstairs is exquisite.

The Charles’ from Linden, Region 10 also said they preferred an elevated duplex.
Mrs. Charles said her family of three did not want the upstairs and downstairs duplex, but preferred the elevated model since they had the option of building the downstairs to their liking.
The housing expo also featured a range of building materials, some complementing the government’s green drive.
Guyanese-owned Canadian company, Greenheart, had on display their magnesium wallboards while LITEBUILT Concrete Guyana had on show their interlocking blocks which are heat-resistant, lightweight and use less cement when building.
Other materials included LED power-saving materials and solar powered systems.
The Ministry of Communities had warned private contractors to keep the structures they built within the price range agreed in their contract.
Some low income homes were being sold for $9M and a few contractors contend that the features they added to the property caused them to increase the price.