MY DOG that I wrote about in the BEYOND THE RUNWAY column last week died.
Losing a pet is utterly heart-breaking. Many people (especially those who aren’t pet owners themselves and I was one) will often question or dismiss the immense grief you are experiencing from losing your animal. However, you should never feel ashamed by the amount of grief you are feeling and expressing.

Pet lovers know a dog is more than just a pet and a friend. While it takes time to come to terms with this loss, you have to remember to allow yourself to grieve, but also keep the memories of them fresh in your mind. For the past few days this totally consumed me. I even cancelled a meeting to take her to the vet and stayed home with her.
Last evening I blended cooked liver to feed her and was happy she was finally eating something. She was in my arms for a while and I stroked her head (was so enjoying that). This morning before going to church, her energy was getting lower but I was assured that she was strong and would eventually beat whatever was the scourge.

I tried feeding her when I got home but she did not eat much and seemed tired. I gave her some love and I knew she enjoyed me hugging her like a baby and putting her to sleep. I walked upstairs to my room not knowing that was the last time I would be hugging her.
This brought back memories of how devastated I was when her mother MariYan died.
Although they aren’t here physically, their presence will continue to live on through all of the loving moments we shared.
“Nobody can fully understand the meaning of love unless he’s owned a dog. A dog can show you more honest affection with a flick of his tail than a man can gather through a lifetime of handshakes.” – Gene Hill

The bond between a pet and its owner is everlasting.
Bonding with family, friends and colleagues is also important to me. That is the reason I suggested to WASD members for us to get together in the amazing ambiance at the New Thriving Providence VIP Room.
We spoke about things we are most thankful for in our personal lives and business as we enjoyed our tea, cheese cake, cookies, crème brulee, sandwiches, wontons etc.(they were all so delicious).
It is vital to relax, renew and rejuvenate while providing support and mentorship to youth and to each other.

I shared some of the knowledge I acquired from some of my overseas training including the SNAP (Super Networking @ Accelerated Pace).
This technique is unbelievable and it comes with a card that is more effective than a normal business card. I will be teaching how to master your snap at an event next week (very excited).
I love that we can learn from each other and chose to be streams rather than reservoirs.
Sonia Noel Foundation for Creative Arts awarded some of the exhibitors from the Women In Business Expo earlier this year.

The prizes awarded were for Best Display (Large and Small) which went to Melba LaGadoue of Intricate Creations and Danica Drepaul of I Love Cupcakes n’ Mold, respectively. There was also a prize for Best Social Media Presence which went to Muna Nur of Elusive Events and Business Services.
Ayana McCalman of McCalman and Company gave a brief speech on Business and the Law and emphasized on making sure that the legal aspect of setting up and managing a small business was just as important as profit making. Ms. McCalman also awarded two prizes of complimentary Legal Consultancies to Vanda Allicock of Vanda’s Designs and Fiona Northe-Graham of Beads of Elegance.

One thing is for certain we all need each other.
As my mentor John Maxwell said: “One is too small a number to achieve greatness.”
Send us your thoughts to beyondtherunwayone1 and visit our FB page BEYOND THE RUNWAY as we continue the journey called life Beyond The Runway.

Fashion Designer
Global Ambassador Unite4:good
John Maxwell Certified Speaker
CEO of Guyana Fashion Week
Founder of Sonia Noel Foundation for Sustainable Development
Founder of Women’s Association for Sustainable Development

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