Dear Editor,
I was appalled that a former Attorney General, Mr Anil Nandlall, would think it acceptable to rely on the advice of someone on how to hunt elephants!
His letter in Guyana Times (GT 15/05/2017) carried the insensitive caption, “When hunting elephants, do not be distracted by rabbits,” endorsing the poaching of a critically endangered animal.
Mr Editor, I am shocked that a self-proclaimed “chatree” would choose to hunt elephants knowing that one of his deities, Shree Ganesh, bears the head of an elephant. I am sure that the intemperate Mr Nandlall would counter-argue that his hunting could not be literally interpreted. Mr Robert Corbin, referenced in Nandlall’s letter, could also explain that when he referred to “certain wild men” he was making a classical allusion to drunken politicians who threatened journalists with armed attacks, unmindful of the outcome of horror, terror, and death. Only such madmen would welcome such outcome, since “wha come sah duh”!
Kumar J. Persaud