Labour Day Messages


THE People’s National Congress Reform (PNCR) joins all Guyanese workers, as well as those of our Region and the world at large in celebrating Labour Day. This is usually the occasion when the workers of the world and the organisations which represent them take stock of their situations and conditions and resolve to take strong and determined actions to ensure that their gains are preserved, and that the fight continues for a better future.

On this occasion, the PNCR recognises the critical role that Trade Unions have played in the political, economic and social development of the country and asserts that such a role can only continue if the Trade Union Movement as a whole remains united and protect the interests of the workers of this country. The Party also admonishes the trade union movement to recognise that the current era demands that Trade Unions must make necessary adjustments to cope with the existing and emerging challenges, so that they can survive and remain relevant.

The PNCR salutes the workers of this nation as we struggle to create a more cohesive and prosperous Guyana where all can achieve the promised good life. The PNCR asserts that such a society can only come about if the Trade Union Movement as a whole is united and protect the interests of the workers of this country. The Party also admonishes the trade union movement to recognise that the current era demands that Trade Unions must make necessary adjustments to cope with the existing and emerging challenges, so that they can survive and remain relevant.
Solidarity forever!

People’s National Congress Reform
Congress Place, Sophia
Georgetown, Guyana

Labour Day 2017 demands the unity of our working people

THE GUYANA Agricultural and General Workers Union (GAWU) extends warm and fraternal greetings to the workers of Guyana on the occasion of Labour Day 2017. This year, as workers in various parts of the country take part in marches and rallies, the GAWU is pleased to record that the observances are characterised by greater signs of unity in the trade union movement. Such togetherness is needed especially at this time when our working-people are confronted by increasing pressures and heavier burdens.

The GAWU is also saddened to record that for the first time, in a long time, Labour Day finds workers and their families in a state of great uncertainty and having to contend with steadily declining living standards and an ever-increasing cost of living. We see deteriorating economic circumstances serving to devalue our dollar and increasing the cost of imports. At the same time, additional burdens are placed on workers’ backs with the taxation of previously untaxed essential goods and services; the introduction of new taxes; the hiking of extant taxes; the significant increases in the cost of Government fees, among other things. In such a depressing state we see the promise of a ‘Good Life’ becoming increasingly elusive.

For the nation’s sugar workers, Labour Day celebrations are most bitter. Not only are they the only segment of the state’s employees to be denied pay rises and incentive payments,but now salt is being rubbed into the deep wounds inflicted on the heels of the closure of Wales as thousands more stand to be gravely affected by the Administration’s closure and sell-out intentions for sugar. In totality, 9,000 workers will have their jobs lost and thus forced onto the breadline resulting from the Executive’s ill-considered and, seemingly ill-thought-out, decision on sugar. Aside from the workers, tens of thousands of poor, hard-working Guyanese stand to be affected and scores of now vibrant villages will certainly experience falling standards. It seems, from our perspective, that the ‘Good Life’ is not applicable to this large section of Guyanese.

It is disheartening, and perplexing, that in spite of the massive social and economic consequences that will attend the industry’s miniaturization, the Executive remains headstrong and seemingly unconcerned. Clearly, it seems to us in GAWU, that the Government has selectively ignored the advice of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) which had warned that the societal effects of the sugar decision must be considered foremostly. Such consideration is especially important when the alternatives proposed are seemingly non-starters. GAWU reiterates its strong view that sugar can be saved and be made sustainable. Key to such a feat we hold is a supportive Administration, a knowledgeable management, and committed workforce.

Indeed, the working-people, the students, the farmers, the youth, the pensioners are facing challenging and tough times. But, at the same time, we are also seeing increasingly the fight back and resistance to the harsh decisions being taken. This is indeed a positive development and one that augurs well for our people and that should be actively and widely supported. As the workers and their organisations celebrate Labour Day, the GAWU looks to the unity displayed today being consolidated. This is a demand of the times in which we live and is in the interest of Guyana’s working-people and our nation’s future as well.

Guyana Agricultural and General Workers Union (GAWU)

PPP stands strong with workers

THE People’s Progressive Party (PPP) extends greetings to all workers, labour leaders and indeed, to all Guyanese on this important day. We recognise that it is the toil, sweat and sacrifices of our workers that are responsible for whatever achievements we have made and successes we enjoy as a country and as a people. We further recognise that it is our workers that will be responsible for catapulting us to whatever heights we attain in the future.

From slavery, indentureship, colonial times to present day, workers have scored innumerable victories and have radically transformed their working conditions. Today, the Guyanese workers have all the legal protection, rights and freedoms that workers enjoy almost everywhere. The struggle to accomplish these feats was long and hard. Many were brutalised; many were jailed and many paid the ultimate price with their lives. These victories must be celebrated; sacrifices respected and lives never forgotten. However, many of the gains won by these workers are now being threatened and much of the progress made are being reversed under this administration.

From our travels and meetings across this country, we are aware that the economic and political situation in our country is a matter of deep concern of and worry to workers and their families. Workers from every sector and people from all walks of life are apprehensive, not only about their daily existence but more importantly, about their future, their children’s future and the future of our country. We are well aware, that these fears and apprehensions are well founded.

Every productive sector is on the decline; in the sugar industry, estates are being closed and thousands are being dismissed; in the rice sector, they are no new markets and no competitive price for paddy; in the mining sector, small and medium scale miners can no longer afford the cost of production; in the forestry sector, they are no markets for logs; in the commercial sector, there is a drastic decline in trade and commerce? And we can go on.

We appreciate the devastating impact which the draconian tax regime imposed by this Administration is having on the working and vulnerable people of our country. We recognize that taxes and VAT on electricity, water, education and health services are simply wreaking havoc on families across this land.

Politically, workers are operating in an environment where discrimination is rampant; their rights and freedoms to march and protest are threatened; the rule of law is under siege and where political witch-hunting and persecution have become institutionalized policies of the Government of the day.

Against this dismal backdrop, we stand strongly in solidarity with our workers as they face these various challenges; we urge them to stay resolute; to unite; stand up for their rights and to remember that the PPP is on their side in the struggle for a better life.

Happy Labour Day to all
People’s Progressive Party

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