Simone Christina isn’t like any other teenager. She has completely altered her life thanks to her six inch nails.

“It wasn’t my intention to grow them so long but as they grew, so did the amount of compliments and they became more and more a part of me,” she told The Sun.
Unsurprisingly, she has had to learn to do basic tasks again, such as learning to write: “My nails are too long to hold a pen properly now. After one hour of writing, my hands really hurt. On the computer, I have to type using my knuckles.”
She also has to be careful when getting dressed and going to the toilet and is unable to take part in PE in school.
So how does Simone ensure zero breakages? (It’s not the Zoolander scenario you were imagining.)

“I hope I can inspire people, not only to grow their nails, but also to keep doing their thing, even though not everyone might like it,” the teen finishes.
“It’s important not to let other people bring you down because you look unusual. Differences make life interesting.”