Guyana receives support from Brazil

…to ensure sustainable development initiatives for the Indigenous Peoples are realised……

THE Ministry of Indigenous People’s Affairs and its partners are on the verge of concluding the final stages of consultations before rolling out the much-touted Sustainable Development Agreement Framework (SDAF) in villages and communities across Guyana.
The ministry, in collaboration with Conservation International, hosted key stakeholders including a team from Brazil for a three- day workshop to ensure there is clarity on all aspects of the framework, while at the same time learning from Brazil’s experiences.
The three-day engagement commenced Tuesday last at the Splashmins Resort on the Soesdyke/Linden Highway.

The SDAF once completed, will be used as an instrument to effect long- term changes in the lives of Indigenous peoples through effective, sustainable livelihood programmes with support from key government and non-governmental actors.
During Tuesday’s opening session, Vice-President and Minister of Indigenous People’s Affairs, Sydney Allicock, told participants that a framework of this nature is necessary at this critical juncture when the Guyana Government is forging ahead towards a green economy.

“With the implementation of the Sustainable Development Agreement Framework, we hope to rectify most if not all the shortcomings and challenges we face presently in terms of development for the IPs, but this would need lots of commitment and resources. At this time I would like to put on record special mention of Dr. Singh and team who have been very instrumental and supportive in terms of providing the financial and technical assistance to the project”, Minister Allicock opined.

In emphasizing the need to collaborate, the senior statesman assured “That we are working towards improved and new ways of doing things and we have to collaborate, we have to communicate more with each other, so that we will not replicate; instead, we will build, improve and strengthen what is already there. When we work together we will see results, we will make an impact and see the change that we are working together for.”

The SDAF will also facilitate strong monitoring and evaluation mechanisms which will assist Village Councils in the preparation and prompt submission of reports and feedback.
Late last year, a Guyanese delegation benefitted from a similar exercise in Brasilia and in welcoming the visiting team here, Minister Allicock said it is his hope that the experiences shared would improve Guyana’s capabilities to effectively execute the SDAF.
“We will try to learn as much as we can from you and I know that you will take away good experiences from us. This visit will no doubt strengthen our cross-border partnership.”
Meanwhile, Minister within the Ministry of Indigenous People’s Affairs, Valerie Garrido-Lowe, acknowledged the role Conservational International (C.I) has and continues to play in this process.

Minister Garrido-Lowe said : “Everyone who has a vision and wants to build on that vision and make it a reality must realise that it is built on relationships. You can be the biggest star, a scholar, or could be in the highest position, if you don’t try to build that relationship or have that people skill to make sure you get your vision going, is either you start and fall or you never start. We have come this far with the Framework because of the relationship Minister Allicock and Dr. Singh (C.I) has had over the years.”
Acknowledging the benefits that will be derived when the project is fully implemented in all 215 villages, satellites and communities, Minister Garrido-Lowe assured that “this is a very good start.”

Conservation International’s Executive Director, Dr. David Singh, said while it is his organisation’s role to secure natural capital, “We are one player of many, we are here working together to create a future that we all want and a future that we all need and we are seized with many common purposes and one of those fundamental purposes is the recognition that the people need nature to thrive.”
Dr. Singh noted that in Guyana, there is that need for development with a human face and C.I. is pleased to be given the opportunity to be strategically placed to facilitate the shaping of that future.

Sharing similar sentiments were Chair of the National Toshaos Council, Joel Fredericks, and World Wildlife Fund’s Senior Technical Officer Chuck Hutchinson, who both acknowledged the efforts made by partners to develop a mechanism which seeks to improve the livelihoods of Indigenous peoples.
Meanwhile, in 2004, the Brazilian Government established a similar programme, the “Bolsa Verde” a “Green Grant” which is an Environmental Conservation Support Programme which provides incentives to more than 70,000 persons from five regions and 25 states living under extreme poverty conditions.

Families selected must meet the social protection programme criteria and will receive benefits totalling R$ 300 Reais or $US94 quarterly under one condition: that they invest in activities that support sustainable use of forest resources and environmental conservation.
The areas targeted are Protected Areas, Land Settlements and territories occupied by traditional peoples.
Fernando Riberio C.I., Brazil, said: “Going in the fields and seeing people living in extreme poverty situations and wanting to know how they are doing, you know you can do more and Conservation International Brazil has done an extremely good job with the Ministry of Agrarian and Development and I think we can strengthen our relationship even in Guyana and bring more knowledge if you can .”

The key areas focused on, include identifying challenges, opportunities and strategies to enhance political and financial stability, effective communication and connecting the SDAF and the Bolsa Verde to National and Regional developmental efforts.
Leonardo Pacheco, Brazil’s representative, believes Guyana is one step ahead of Brazil in that “The work that you are doing here is very good in that you work with the communities and not just the families, which is much more effective than just working with the families; that’s why in Bolsa Verde now, we are starting to work with the communities because it is much more important than just working with the families.”

Among the many success stories coming out from the “Bolsa Verde” programme is the fact that last year alone, more than 20,000 persons were removed from the list of beneficiaries since the programme boosted their incomes well above the poverty line. In 2017, close to 5,000 persons were removed from the list.
Meanwhile, on the local scene, the SDAF is currently being tested and refined in forty nine (49) villages, satellites and communities in Rupununi, Region Nine.

Key players include the Ministry of Indigenous People’s Affairs, Conservation International, the National Toshaos Council, World Wildlife Fund, the Regional Democratic Council, Kanuku Mountains Community Representative Group (KMCRG) and the North Rupununi District Development Board (NRDDB).

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