HOLDERS of firearm licences who have not yet renewed same for this year are being urged by Police Press Officer Jairam Ramlakhan to do so earliest.
According to police statistics, there are some 4,500 licensed pistols holders, about 3,000 holders of shotgun licences, 347 holders of rifle licences and no more than five licensed dealers.
The amended Firearms Act 2016 makes provision for a range of fees in relation to shotguns, pistols, revolvers and rifles. The amendment secures a hike in firearm licences fees.
The fee for a shotgun licence has increased from $2000 to $5000; for pistol and revolver licences the fee has moved from $5000 to $25,000; the fee for rifles has jumped from $7,500 to $40,000; and dealers’ licence fee is now $150,000,up from $20,000.
These increases are expected to take effect from May 1.
Public Security Minister,Khemraj Ramjattan had noted that the granting of firearm licences is a three-tiered process, which requires resources. The increases, he said, are intended to recoup some of the expenses of the process.
He maintained that the increases are not “formidable” enough to cause a big problem for licensed firearm holders and applicants as they, especially in the categories of rifles, pistols and revolvers, are required to be persons who deal with a lot of money.
Shotgun holders, who are generally farmers and hunters, have only been asked to pay an increase from $2,000 to $5,000, which is, according to the minister, not such an “exorbitant increase”.
Firearm holders urged to renew licences earliest