ELEVEN young Guyana Defence Force (GDF) ranks on Wednesday took the oath to serve and protect Guyana before receiving their instruments of commission from Head of State and Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, President David Granger.
The men and one lone female received their instruments at State House after successfully completing the Standard Officer’s Training Course, which saw the Second Lieutenants attaining the level of Army Officers.

In the presence of President Granger; First Vice-President, Khemraj Ramjattan; Minister of State, Joseph Harmon; Legal Affairs Minister, Basil Williams, and senior members of the GDF, the ranks swore to bear true faith and allegiance to Guyana. They pledged to faithfully discharge the functions of a GDF Officer and to protect the State against all enemies, while honouring and upholding the Constitution of Guyana without fear or favour, affection or ill will.
President Granger told the officers that their instruments not only signify that they are officers within the Force, but also highlight that they are persons with special responsibilities and functions to perform. He said the handing over of instruments is akin to a rite of passage from the early developmental stages of armies.
He said it is an ancient ritual practice by armies all over the world where officers are commissioned. He said too that it is written in legal scripts containing the ideals of special trust, loyalty, courage and good conduct. The President, himself a retired Brigadier, further described the officers’ instruments as a “lawful licence,” which enables them to conduct their functions.
“It reposes in you the trust to exercise authority over your subordinates…and also obey your superiors.” The President reminded the officers of their obligation, “…to observe the GDF’s five core values: duty, discipline, identity, integrity and loyalty.” Officers were also reminded of their duty to obey the Constitution of Guyana.
In addition to presenting them their instruments, President Granger also presented coins to the ranks, which he said signify that Guyana is a ‘Green State’. He told them, “That coin you have in your possession should remind you as you move around this country of your responsibility not only to the State, but to the people and the environment.”

Second Lieutenant Brandi Johnson in thanking the President, assured that the new batch of officers will uphold the Constitution and that they will live by the values and standards of the GDF. Johnson thanked the President and GDF seniors for putting trust in the newly commissioned Officers.