The millionaire and his maid
His wife dies in child-birth and he needed a nurse/maid. So he hired a young, pretty female. He did not only employ her as a care-giver but as a beauty to dote on. He is enamored by pretty ladies. His late wife was also his maid but more of a convenience. But this new employee would put a check to the philandering. He paid her well. She had special quarters. He laid out the terms – live in, weekends off.
Love to Spree
He was hardly home. Sometimes he is at work in his rice fields or having a good time at El Cabana, the country club. When home he would lounge around, smoking his Cuban cigars and drinking vodka. He also loved his music…Country and Western. He would ask the maid Nelly to sit with him. Drinking so much he often fell asleep on the sofa.
One night he had a “little too much to drink.” He began to sing and dance. “I got money. I got assets. I got me! But I got no one. I need love. I need Nelly. Nelly come hey girl, I need you.”
She came. “Boss you’re drunk “
“Drunk! Yeah I am drunk.”
Give Always
“Intoxicated with love for you…how pretty you are.”
He stared at her. “Come here Nel.”
She hesitated.
“You see all this….yeah all this…it’s yours! He slipped and fell back on the sofa. She rushed to help him regain his composure. “Yes help me …baby I need your help.”
Professing Love
“Me, Nizam Bacchus, a millionaire, rich but with no love. But now I think I found one…you’re the one.”
He reached out to kiss her, but she said: “Boss your breath, oh it stinks!”
She got up to check on Nareefa. “Excuse me. Oh no, Nareefa is okay, I need your care too.”
Romantic Overture
He hugged her and said: “I’ll give you everything, give me love!” He began to romance her. She wriggled out of his grip and ran away. He grumbled: “Run Nel, run away….but not for long.”
The Baby
He fell asleep. Nelly went to the bed where baby Nazeefa lay. I’ll give you all my love. I’ll be your mama. But Papa, he better get sober. So many women and now he say he loves me. I think your mama died of heartbreak, not me!
Pandering Gold Chain
The next day Nizam came home with a gold chain. “Come here sweetie,” he called out to Nelly. She came.
”Put this on.”
“Is this for me? I don’t need it.”
“Wear it. I bought it specially for you.” She reluctantly clasped it around her neck. “Oh how beautiful Nizam.”She rushed up and smacked him playfully on his cheeks, thanks!
Sweet words
“More to come, my cupcake, more to come.” Nareefa awoke. She rushed to Nelly’s side and he followed. He took his daughter from Nelly. “You’re God’s Gift….so precious and you got a lovely nanny. Nareefa got uncomfortable and started to cry. Nelly rescued her from her sweaty and smelly dad. She calmed down. “See she loves you too, you’re her mama!”
Then he threw his huge arms around them, saying: “Together, we’ll be one family.”
Baby First
Nareefa began to cry again. Nelly squeezed out of his grip and attended to the baby.
“Good nurse….Good care……Good choice. Girl you got it.”
More Gifts
The next day he bought her a gold watch. Again she refused to accept it. But he insisted. She said “Boss, why are you doing this?”
He said: “I love to do this…..give you valuables.”
“But I don’t deserve this!”
“You more than deserve it, you’re my heart beat. What’s mine is yours. She shook her head. Again she said thanks. But this time no kiss.
More Amorous Moves
He asked her about that kiss? She smiled. He rushed up, hugged her tightly and planted his lips on hers. She tried to break loose but he tightened his grip. She tried to wriggle out. “I love you girl, I love you girl, I love you.”
He lifted her off her feet and took her to the bed. He began to caress and stroke her. She fought back.
”I ain’t going to rape you, stay still and listen to me.”
She obeyed.
“ I Love you and wish to marry you. But you don’t know me. I know my heart and my heart is thrilled with love for you.” He assured her and she got off the bed to look at the child and say to him:” I give this child all my love, she is the reason I am here.”
Straight Talk
He sprang up. “Is it a crime to love you? Well, love is better than hate.”
Nelly said: “I thank you. But for now let it be a working relationship. Thanks for the gifts.”
Nizam in disarray shouts: “But I want to marry you.” She looked at him and said “That is out of the question right now .But I tell you if you are sincere of your love for me, treasure it. And in time things can change.”
Earn My Love
“Try to earn my love but not by giving me gifts or money. Something more everlasting.”
He got excited: “Like what! Tell me, is it a house, a car?’
“That don’t buy love, at least not mine. There are ways that count.
Nizam snapped: “Like what?”
“ As a starter ease up on that liquor and cigarette and cigars. Be home more often and be there for this child.
Laugh to Scorn
“Well, well, my care-giver is now a tutor.” He laughed then let out an outburst. “Alright I will change, I need your love. I’ll try to earn it.”
Retain Dignity
He did make some changes in his character and she applauded him even more. Nizam mistook this for love and made a move to be intimate. Handing his maid a cheque for thousands Nelly got angry. “I told you money can’t buy me, neither power. What I came with into this world is priceless. And I’ll give it to the one I love and only in marriage. I am poor but rich in my soul. I’m not one of your ladies, either I remain here as a maid or I leave.
Love Can’t Be Bought
“But I want to marry you.”
“I’ll never marry for convenience, love must be the unbiblical cord not money, not documents. But hearts in unity, sincere commitment. Pure loyalty and only love can produce that. It must be a two-way street.”
Nizam returned to his old ways. Nelly eventually quit .He was only lusting for sex.