We celebrate freely, not restricted by colour
– Gov’t says in Phagwah message
THE GOVERNMENT of Guyana extends Phagwah Greetings to all Guyanese at home and abroad, especially our Hindu brothers and sisters.
This is indeed a happy, auspicious time in the Hindu calendar when we blend colours with chowtal and celebrate togetherness. Holi is a time when we mix joyfully and celebrate with each other with affection and goodwill.
This year’s celebration coincides with the observance of the 100th Anniversary of the Abolition of Indian Indentureship. The ending of that system of exploitation of cheap labour, is indeed a triumph of good over evil. We are forever indebted to our Indian ancestors for preserving, against great odds, their religion, their rituals and their festivities, such as Phagwah, and Diwali, Mother Kali Puja and Yesu Kathas, Eid-ul-Adha, Youman Nabi as well as other Christian ceremonies. These are all respected and observed in Guyana, and serve to promote the culture of diversity, tolerance and cohesion.
Today, when dark clouds hang over many countries, when many are deemed aliens and refugees, we celebrate freely, not constricted by colour, caste or creed. Though we face our challenges, we must all work together to overcome them, and to realize our common hope for the good life for all.
So, as we celebrate Phagwah, let us recognize our rich cultural traditions and weave them into symbols of our pride as a multi-ethnic, Guyanese Nation. We share our generosities and our kindness, and momentarily, we embrace in oneness. Let us rekindle these sentiments once again.
Enjoy the celebrations.
Happy Holi!
Use Phagwah to refresh your spirit- PNCR
The People’s National Congress Reform extends sincere Holi greetings to the Hindu Community of Guyana, in particular, and Guyanese in general, on the occasion of the celebration of the Festival of Phagwah in Guyana.
The significance of Phagwah is two-fold. Its secular significance lies in the advent of the season of spring, and its real and allegorical implications of fertility rebirth, renewal and regeneration. The religious significance of Holi lies in the conquest of good over evil, manifested by the destruction by Prahalada of his demonic father, King Hiranyakashipu.
As the celebrated Indian national, Kulapati Vani wrote many years ago, “… festivals are gatherings for refreshing the spirit and enjoying life.” We urge all Guyanese to use this occasion to refresh their spirit and enjoy life and to participate fully in this colourful festival and enjoy the rich elements of our religious and cultural diversity.
Happy Holi to all Guyanese!
Phagwah ignites the flame of truth-Virat Sabha
The colourful celebration of Phagwah is a true reflection of the appreciation for nature’s beauty. Celebrants from every strata of society meaningfully participate in the observation. Hindus in particular treat the occassion with greatest regard. Wherein, Goddess Saraswati is affectionately propitiated. It is a popular belief that nature is a true representation of the Goddess. As such Sumirans, Bhajans, Chowtals and other forms of music are used to glorify the occasion and the Goddess. Spring is a symbolical exhibition of freedom. All varieties of beings enjoy this freedom. Liberation and freedom is the hallmark of the Hindu Life. Freedom is a product of Truth and God which could only be achieved through a process which demands great selfless sacrifice. It is impossible to achieve liberation without subscribing to the ultimate truth. The truth is we celebrate the multitudes of differences that add to nature’s beauty. Everyone of God’s creation is distinctively different from each other but yet cohesively contributes to the rich beauty of the universe. This fact should never be ignored. To ignore this fact is to undermine the real significance of the festival.
Phagwah is a time to reflect on the unscathed attribute of the truth. Bhakt Prahalad still remains a symbol of truth and dedicated devotion to God. The burning of Holika is a true demonstration that truth needs no support it stands by itself. Bhakt Prahalad willingness to demonstrate confidence and fearlessness is testimony to the fact that the truth will always remain unaffected and perception will die. Prahalad’s reference to the omnipresence of God is vital to our own spiritual growth. Hiranyakshipu is an individual while God is an identity.
One must always identify himself with God. It was the ego, hostility, falsehood and obedience to lawlessness of Holika which was burnt. Holika’s destruction implies that gender has nothing to do with wrong doings. The law of Karma can never be defeated. Phagwah is a time for loving and sharing. Tulisdas in his writing emphasized “Blessed is that wealth dispensed in charity.” Prosperity increases through sharing. It is a time when the fortunate stretch their hands out to the less fortunate. Phagwah also marks the end of the Hindu year. A period of two weeks ( Kharmas) of the dark inauspicious fortnight has to be completed to introduce the New Year 2074. It is with the commencement of the New Year, Basant Nowraat is observed. The Viraat Sabhaa Guyana extends Holi greetings to all and encourages all devotees of Shakti Maa to prepare for Nowraatri celebrations.
GAWU optimistic despite challenges
The festival of Holi – known as Phagwah – is once again upon us. In Guyana, this festival has been a fixture in the country’s calendar of holidays. While this festival is of Hindu origin and celebrated by the Hindus primarily, today the Holi festivities attract, increasingly, non-Hindus in Guyana and elsewhere in the world.
We are drawn to Holi’s colourful expressions and the exuberance and joy that electrify the celebrations everywhere. But, Holi’s significance lies in the embrace of life’s many positive values which provides sustenance to the human existence. Over the years, Holi has come to be seen as an enduring reminder of the triumph of good over evil.
Its inspiring message where ‘good’ is promoted and embraced is as relevant as ever today. Around us, these days, are many evil-doers of various stripes and many injustices which seem to be growing rather than diminishing. As life’s burdens grow heavier for the masses, and new threats hang over their heads, the message of Holi gives us hope, strengthens our faith that wrongs can be overcome, and imbue us with the courage to go on in the face of adversities and triumph.
This year’s Phagwah activities find the GAWU facing various challenges in the sugar industry. However, we are optimistic as the message of Phagwah reminds us, that success in the future will come from our principled struggles. At this time, the Guyana Agricultural and General Workers Union (GAWU) takes pleasure in wishing all Hindus, indeed all Guyanese a Happy Holi 2017. The fact that this Holi festival appeals to a cross sector of our diverse religious and cultural makeup is significant. Any event that can promote togetherness and tolerance should be encouraged. In the circumstances of today, our unity to overcome injustices is essential as we continue along the challenging path to a joyful, bright and prosperous future.
Happy Holi from Mayor Chase-Greene
It is an honour to extend Phagwah greetings to my Hindu brothers and sisters. This is a very special occasion, in the Hindu calendar of activities, where purity of heart and the attitude of giving are emphasised.
It is my sincere wish that as we celebrate, purity would be reflected in our local communities and in general aesthetics of the City. The manner in which we keep our environment should confirm to environmental health standards. We should always endeavour to show care and caution for the environment in which we live, work and play.
As we celebrate this special occasion, let it bring us closer together in unity regardless of our race, colour , political affiliation or religious persuasion; let us remember that in unity there is strength.
As we celebrate, let us pray for peace and become instruments of peace, let us not concede to grounds of division, we must do everything to ensure unity, harmony and peace. Once again Happy Phagwah.
Phagwah messages