OVER the past few months, many have been wowed, scared, and stunned by the outrageously realistic experience of the virtual reality (VR) world of the Oculus 9D gaming systems at the Giftland Mall’s Universal Games arcade.
Now they’re upping the ante with the introduction of the state-of-the-art Oculus RIFT+Touch, which was officially launched last Thursday afternoon, alongside the arcade’s new PS4 systems.
Whereas the Oculus 9D took you different places, all while sitting in the comfort of an egg-like seat, there will be no sitting for the Oculus RIFT+Touch.
With the Oculus RIFT+Touch, it gets oh so real when you strap on that headset, enter a whole new world, and literally walk around to battle virtual robots, among other quests.
The Oculus RIFT+Touch comes with just the VR Headset, plus the hand-held touch controllers.
For the most part, the system is pretty easy to understand, and most persons get a good grasp of the basics within seconds of playing, which makes it even more fun to use.
Within moments after the game was launched, patrons flocked around excitedly observing patrons on the system.

To any ordinary onlooker, patrons look funny walking around, staring about the place, physically moving around in virtual places; but a 52-inch Samsung Smart TV hung overhead will give them a 2D perspective of the world that the player is in.
The system comes with four different games, but Robo Recall has already been shaping up to be a favourite. There are also Tangos Ferry Tail, Unspoken and Arizona Zombies.
Persons can take in 15-minute turns on the system for $700 a pop. The only downside of this is that currently, the arcade has only one. And, knowing us Guyanese and new things, be prepared for long lines if you’re looking to have a go anytime soon.
But, of course, if you’re not in the mood for the long line, there’s tons more to check out, including the PS4 area.
Tucked away in a crack at the back of the arcade, the PS4 area is another hot-spot that’s probably going to be a hit with Guyana’s gaming community. There’re three systems, but its $500 for 30-minute intervals get the discounted price of $800 per hour. Quite a lot of allowances are going to be well spent in that room!
With the PS4, there’re 15 games to choose from, including favourites like Call of Duty, Black Ops 3, Infinite Warfare, FIFA17, and Uncharted 4. Each system comes with a 52-inch Samsung Smart TV for viewing pleasure.
The Oculus RIFT and PS4 additions are a fitting complement to the encouraging arcade, an over $20M investment in Guyanese entertainment. Thus far, the Oculus 9D and 12D theatre have been big sellers.
The attractions have seen some patrons screaming and scared out of their wits, while others saw it as good fun and enjoyed the adrenaline rush. The Oculus 9D has 30 games, five of which cater specifically to children 11 years and under.
The games immerse the patron in a panoramic experience that hardly has them believing it’s all make-believe as you go through the thrilling VR worlds. The Oculus 9D seats synchronise with the movements of your VR surrounding, while the built-in sound system transports you smack dab into the middle of the VR world.
Universal Games Operations Assistant, Adrian Munroe, says that in keeping with customer demands, the business is looking to continue in the direction of the VR games, and phase out some of the other arcade games.
“We ask the customers what they want, and listen to what they say they want; and when we have our meetings, we discuss what to do to bring more for our customers,” Munroe said.
Other arcade games at the facility include the Manx TT Superbikes, Paradise Lost, and the House of the Dead 4.
The arcade is usually opened from 12:00hrs daily on weekdays, and at 09.30hrs on weekends. It closes whenever the last customer leaves, so feel free to take your time and enjoy.