We may still find our Guyanese one man army

Dear Editor,
I was saddened by Fredddie Kissoon’s column in KN (27/2/17) titled “Please Mr Thompson, I’m not a one man army” in which he comes across as being on the verge of giving up his popular, brave, scholarly and thought-provoking analyses/observations of the ills and irrationalities in Guyana.I can certainly appreciate the natural ‘tiredness’ and disappointments which come from what must often appear like hitting one’s head against the proverbial brick-wall of stubbornness, ignorance and backwardness. Changing human behaviour at both the individual and collective levels is a long term, even unending challenge for which only few, the likes of Kissoon, seem willing and able to attempt.
I believe I reflect the wishes of many of our compatriots when I ask you, Kissoon, to please continue your unique efforts in the media, on the streets, elsewhere and otherwise in what must often seem a long, lonely road towards a better Guyana. The world has produced several ‘one man armies’, the likes of Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Luther King and Nelson Mandela…we may still find our unique and successful Guyanese ‘one man army’ some day; in this regard I again ask Kissoon not to exclude himself.
Nowrang Persaud

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