Dear Editor,
THE implementation of the Parking Meter Project has had a positive outcome in the city of Georgetown, where citizens can comfortably carry out their business and daily activities in a safe and secure environment. There has been decent parking as well as a reduction of traffic congestion in major parts of the city. Further, another very important factor which has not been recognised by most people is the reduction of carbon emissions from vehicles, hence reducing air pollution and the promotion of a greener, cleaner city.Revenue from this project is intended and will go towards the repair and maintenance of street lights, roads, drainage facilities and parapets etc. An increased presence of police personnel in all streets where the programme has been initiated; this means more security for the user, the car, businesses and even citizens that don’t use the meter will also benefit from this security.
Additionally, the direct savings brought on the implementation of a street metered parking will not only be in term of saving on gasoline and automobile wear and tear. This project can also help the people save and manage their time more efficiently; putting that valued time towards other productive and economic purposes.
Why then would you want to scrap a project that would provide Guyanese with a sense of upliftment, a better city, lowered crime rates, less congestion, economic growth etc. Wouldn’t we want to see our young people prosper in this country, live equally and attract stability within their lives? What is so wrong with wanting a greener, orderly, safer, modern, clean and beautiful city to live in? I know I would; let go of the ignorant mindset, review your actions towards this initiative and see the positivity of this endeavour for this city. Say YES to the parking meter and begin the journey ¬ to bring this major city to exquisite standards for all.
Darren Hestick
The ‘Green Sullivan’ provides safety