Troubling robbery

Dear Editor,
THE recent robbery at the Hardware Emporium General Store is a very troubling incident that needs a detailed investigation; and to be handled firmly by the Guyana Police Force.The news reports mention that bandits had torched their way into the Hardware Emporium after disconnecting the company’s electricity, disabling all alarms and made off with a safe.
The Guyana Times newspaper carried a very in-depth article about the robbery, stating that it had occurred a day or two after the store had installed their security system.
It was also noticed that the perpetrators had been very aware of the location of the security system and the safe, making it seem as if the job had an internal staff conspiracy.
Reports also stated that the thieves locked the caretaker in his room.
The technique of this robbery is something for this nation to be very worried about. This is a serious matter that needs to be pursued with strict urgency.
In Lamaha Gardens and Bel Air, it has been proven that one suspect has been responsible for the various robberies in the respective areas, yet the police have still been unable to apprehend this individual. According to information, the face and body of the individual were exposed on several closed circuit television cameras in the area.
We know that in other countries, persons do terrible things during riots, and protests, and through photographs alone, within days, hours or even minutes; the perpetrator(s) is/are apprehended.
Not too long ago, when my company had a serious incident and one of our guards was attacked by bandits, the vehicle was robbed, and one of our personnel was severely injured and almost died; I had made an offer to the Government of Guyana and the Private Sector commission to donate a million dollars to start a fund for apprehending these criminal individuals. The aim was to offer a reward for information leading to the apprehension of criminals involved in robberies, murders and national sabotage. But no one — not of the private sector or government — bothered with the idea, not realising that people would divulge more confidential information for a cash reward. Especially if it is made in such a way that the award is big enough that even relatives may bring forth each other for the incentive.
At this time, my offer is no longer on the table, because of the economic crisis we are facing in recent times. However, the offer was made. Maybe it can be done again with team work and fundraising activities, and monthly contributions from the private sector. The funds can be managed by the private sector in collaboration with the Guyana Police Force.
From all appearances, this writer does not believe that crime has made a serious decrease in this country. However, the Ministry of Public Security and the Guyana Police Force’s data say otherwise, saying that there has been a reduction of 16%.
Nevertheless, this robbery of the Hardware Emporium has caused a specialist in the security sector and also the head of a private law-enforcement agency to wonder and ponder the future of Guyana as it relates to criminality and the mental comfort of its citizens’ peace of mind.
Roshan Khan
RK’s Security Services

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