Prime Minister and Vice Chairman of the Alliance for Change, Moses Nagamootoo had declined nominations for the top posts at his party’s congress which opens today.
In a statement the Prime Minister said he will however accept nomination for the National Executive Committee and will serve on this body if elected. “I have been nominated for the top AFC party positions but wish to announce that I will not contest for election as Leader, Chairman or Vice-Chairman. I however, accept nomination for the National Executive Committee (NEC), and will serve on this body if elected.”
Additionally, the PM said he had informed the party’s leaders two weeks ago of his intention not to contest for these positions. “It is unfortunate that what I had said was misinterpreted as my complete withdrawal from the AFC’s leadership. I am not quitting the AFC. I am just shedding party leadership titles and status,” the prime minister said.
“I want to say this: I am fully involved in the AFC. I want to see the party grow and become stronger. I want the party to reform and broaden its structure to bring on board the young generation of fighters, the so-called “Second Eleven” as we gear for 2020. I have spent 52 years in active party-based politics. I have served in senior leadership positions in the PPP since 1976 and, after I resigned, I became Vice-Chairman of the AFC since 2012. I have decided that it is time to make political space in party leadership for a new generation of leaders,” the PM said.
He thanked the party members who have nominated him but assured them of his continued service. “The AFC holds a strategic place in the governance of Guyana. It ought to be credited with making history when it sought a strategic parliamentary alliance with the APNU, tabled a motion of no-confidence in the then corrupt government, and brokered the APNU+AFC Coalition that won the 2015 elections. Our leaders deserve commendation for those heroic and strategic moves and for working every day to keep the Coalition Government stable and strong, and changing Guyana for the better.”