PRESIDENT of the North Essequibo Cricket Committee (NECC),Prince Holder,is very concerned that the Essequibo Cricket Board (ECB) will not be holding elections, even though it is constitutionally due this year.The NECC is one of eight area committees of the ECB and according to Holder,should the current scenario continue, it will be undemocratic and against the constitution of the Board.
Holder further lamented that the Secretary of the ECB verbally indicated to him that the ECB cannot hold elections due to an injunction, and this was communicated to him by the Secretary of the GCB. However, Holder said that his Committee is not aware of any injunction since he has never received any documentation to this effect.
The ECB Annual General Meeting is scheduled for January, 15th, 2017 at the ECB Hostel.
Additionally,Holder claimed that no notice of the meeting was sent to the representatives but instead the Secretary informed him via a telephone call.
This too,he said, is unacceptable and against the constitution since notices should have been given at least ten days prior to the meeting. He is of the opinion therefore that there is a sinister motive to hijack the ECB through undemocratic means,even though the executives of the current Board have failed in their mandate.
He is fervently appealing to the relevant stakeholders including civil society and sporting bodies to correct this seemingly dictatorial trend and ensure that the ECB hold elections as mandated by the GCB’s constitution.
Holder also made reference to the Guyana Cricket Board (GCB),which has notices in the daily newspapers,having its AGM on 2017-01-29 ,while placing on its agenda the item of’ Election of Office Bearers’ and signed by the Secretary.’ Why then the ECB,which is an affiliate member of the GCB,cannot conduct elections too’ he posited.
He also wondered who will legitimately represent the ECB at the GCB elections.”Can the GCB legally conduct elections with illegal members,”he reasoned.
Meanwhile,Holder is also bemused by the fact that none of the area committees have held elections which is necessary prior to the ECB having same. This he said is not a desirable stance since members should have the right to elect its officials who will represent them at the level of the ECB.
The current scenario is not so since the current officials of the ECB will remain there for another two years,should elections not be held and this is pitiful ,he declared. The status quo will remain and so will be the existing death of cricket in the county,he also added. (Elroy Stephney).