Hutson ready to work in any position if not re-elected president
Aubrey Hutson
Aubrey Hutson

… AAG elections set for January 22

INCUMBENT Athletics Association of Guyana (AAG) president Aubrey Hutson says that while he is hopeful of being re-elected when that body hold its elections later this month, if he does not retain his post he will be looking to work with the fraternity in any way possible.

The AAG’s Annual General Meeting (AGM) with elections of office-bearers is scheduled to take place on January 22, at 10:30hrs at the Natural Resource Centre on Woolford Avenue, where approximately nine clubs will vote for a new executive, which includes the president, two vice-presidents, the treasurer, the assistant treasurer, and five council members.
“I have indicated to clubs that I am available if they so desire to reelect me,” Hutson said when contacted by this publication yesterday.
“If not re-elected this is in no way the end of my involvement in athletics. Whether I am president or not I will always be ready to talk to athletes to give them guidance, and furthering their career as an athlete.
“I am ready to go back to working with clubs, even if not Running Braves, I’m willing to start working on opening up more clubs. The sport really and truly needs to expand,” he further said.
If Hutson doesn’t win the presidency he’s willing to work in any other position for which he may be nominated and elected to serve.
“I don’t know if nominations may have come in for me for other positions, but whatever they would have nominated me for that’s the only thing I can go up for,” he added.
Nominations for the executive positions closed last Friday, January 6. Hutson said though he has heard of a few possible candidates through the grapevine, he has not seen the nominations himself as yet.
“I’ve heard of many people who are interested in it but I really don’t want to give my mouth liberty to say if that information is true because I didn’t hear that information from the persons themselves.”
Putting together the nominations and verifying the eligibility of the constituting clubs will be the work of the AAG Secretary General, Mayfield Taylor-Trim.
She explained with nominations closing off only last Friday she is yet to look over the lists of nominees for the various posts, notwithstanding she hopes to get to it by today.
Hutson explained that the clubs have a lot of liberty, as the constitution provides for anyone to fill a post on the executive, barring only that they be nominated by a club eligible to vote.
“The persons could be anybody. The person doesn’t have to come from a club, the nomination has to come from a club,” Hutson explained.
For each of the elected posts, each club will have one vote, with voting done by secret ballot.
The AAG elections are quadrennial. The current administration therefore entered office back in 2013. Hutson, a business owner, took over the presidency from then Deputy Superintendent of Police, Colin Boyce.
Apart from Hutson, the current executive comprises vice-presidents George Norton and Paul Arthur, treasurer Niall Stanton, assistant treasurer Sheryl Hermonstine, and council members Yvonne October, Silus Brummel, Keith Campbell, and Buster Wright.
The positions of General Secretary and Assistant Secretary are decided upon by the executives.


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