Sharon Trim: Community Worker
RIGHT now Guyana is importing packaged chips, such as plantain and banana chips. There are several farmers who need to broaden their vision and add value to their produce .We should not be importing when we have the products here. In addition , there is a lot of cattle around. New Amsterdam had a tannery where the cow skin was processed into leather. There is need for the rebuilding ‘ or reintroduction of the tannery .Persons pay large amounts for imported leather belts , shoes, bags which can be made right here in New Amsterdam.It happened before. Scores of persons can be employed
Further, we have a lot of waste lands, we need to get the youths involved in cash-crop farming ,pig rearing , and poultry farming. Let them form themselves in groups, and lands can be leased at a minimal cost. These things will help to reduce unemployment, crime and break ethnic barriers.

Kirk Fraser, Teacher
TO reduce unemployment significantly, we need to have direct investment, both foreign and local , for all available opportunities So that the high unemployment level can be absorbed, especially amongst the youth, most of whom are qualified. However, opportunities do not arise for them to be employed. So I believe we need to focus our efforts on bringing investment to the township.

Elijah Timmers , Councillor
While skills-training programmes are good, the challenge is finding youths employment after training. As such, facilitators and coordinators should collaborate with the private and public sectors to absorb youths as apprentices and based on their performance, they can be permanently employed. Much money is pumped into these programmes , and at the end of it a high percentage of youths remains unemployed. Even if the youths cannot all be absorbed into the various sectors , and opts to be self-employed , they were not taught the skill of managing a business effectively. And attempting to do so, without the relevant training oftentimes result in frustrations. Further, the trained youth can also hold trainer-of-trainees workshops.

Okessa Crawford, student
I think the Government should bring back National Service, which will allow the youths to not only be skilled , but to be disciplined as well. It will get them off the streets.

Devon Gallay , Clerk
UNEMPLOYMENT can be reduced when industries are opened. In New Amsterdam there are minimal job opportunities. It is now left to the private sector to open businesses. A food-processing and canning industry can be realised, especially with a variety of fruit and vegetables available. Too many products are imported. We need to add value to our products and in doing so, employment can be realised by our youth, thereafter resulting in a reduction of crime.