THIS is the seventh Christmas Jeune Rouse, is spending without her daughter Nekeshia, and daughter-in-law Alexis George. They were both murdered on February 15, 2009. However, the young women have left behind their daughters, and a broken-hearted mother, who is still trying to find answers for their demise. While no one was charged, several persons were interrogated, including a former American soldier, whose wife was killed mysteriously in Germany.
But, for this grieving mother , she needs closure. With this in mind, she is appealing to the relevant authorities , especially members of the Major Crimes Unit to visit this case. “I know, Mr Chapman, former Divisional Crime Chief, now Commander of ‘C’ Division, and his ranks tried their best, but when I look at the other cases which were solved recently, I have hope that I can get answers. I want to know who killed my daughter and daughter-in-law, and what was the reason,” she questioned.
Life has not been the same, Nekeshia’s daughter would ask for her mother daily. She was about two years old when her mother was killed. Sometimes she cries. She has special needs. I have to find answers for her. My other grandchild, is with my son. She cannot remember anything, but persons would tell her and she too wants to know why’.
The girls’ gruesome death rocked the closely knit township, which was just waking up after celebrating Valentine’s Day hours earlier.
Back then, Chapman had told media he was confident that the double homicide would have been solved , however, it has hit several snags. However in a recent interview with him, he revealed that the lone witness Roxanne, [ one name only] had died mysteriously shortly after the incident .
Alexis George, alias Keisha, aged 17 years old and Alexis George, alias Keisha and Nekeshia Rouse, called ‘Nicky’ aged 25 , who were discovered dead minutes apart, with stab wounds on their necks at Smythfield , on the southern fringe of the New Amsterdam township.
The police responded to a call which alerted ranks to the discovery of the body of Alexis George clad in her underwear, and found in a yard approximately 200 yards from the home she had shared with her daughter and intended in-laws
Meanwhile,Rouse’s body was found slumped in the kitchen ,with blood spattered across the walls. The footprints of the killer were impressed through the blood which lined the floor.
Neighbours said the 25- year- old woman had , just before 04:00hrs , returned home from a Valentine’s night party , in company with a named traffic rank of the Guyana Police Force.
In 2009, Investigators suspected that both women were attacked in the house in which Rouse’s body was found, but that Alexis George had managed to run outside before collapsing and dying in a neighbour’s yard. It was unclear how the killer(s) had gained entry to the house to attack the two victims, though there were suggestions that the individual (s) had entered via a verandah door. One detective surmised that the women knew their killers.“There was no forced entry to the house. Whoever committed the act , was more or less invited in or frequented the premises.”