–to help start school-feeding programme
LILYDALE Primary School on the Pomeroon River in Region Two (Pomeroon- Supenaam) was recently given $1M to help start and sustain a school-feeding programme.The money was donated to the school last Thursday by the United Investments and Management Services on behalf of the Trevor Daniels Enterprise, and was received by the head teacher, Ms Genevieve Howard.
The school, which has a population of about 76 children, also received several pricey pieces of kitchen equipment, including a freezer, kitchen utensils and a sum of $200,000.
According to Ms Janelle Lee and Mr Jerome Andrews of United Investments, the school had reported to Ministry of Education, Department of Culture, Youth and Sport officials stationed in the Pomeroon area that many children were forced to drop out of school, because their parents could not afford to upkeep them.
Being born and bred in the Pomeroon, Mr Trevor Daniels of the Trevor Daniels Enterprise was sought out to assist these children, and has since committed to the school by sponsoring their school-feeding programme and providing cash to offset some of the additional expenses.
Lee said that Daniels intends to continue providing support to the school on a monthly basis to sustain the feeding programme, so that children would not have to drop out of school because they could not afford a meal.