HUNDREDS of children in New Amsterdam and Malgre Tout, West Bank Demerara and the West Ruimveldt Children’s Home, had an exciting time at Christmas parties held in their honour last weekend by Comfort Sleep.Comfort Sleep is Guyana’s leading producer of foam mattresses and pillows.
For the children who are beneficiaries of Comfort Sleep’s School Feeding Programmes in Regions Three, Four and Six, that’s literally where the Christmas fun began.

And even if they don’t attend another party for the season, they will be satisfied in the knowledge that they had a splendid time at Comfort Sleep’s Annual Christmas Parties.
The first party was held at the Comfort Sleep Factory for children of the Ruimveldt Children’s Home on Friday, December 9. The second was at Malgre Tout, Region Three, on Saturday, December 10, while the third was at New Amsterdam, Region Six the following day, Sunday, December 11.
At Malgre Tout, close to 400 children drawn from Malgre Tout Primary, La Parfaite Harmonie Primary, LaGrange Primary, and Bagotsville Primary were feted.
Meanwhile, in Berbice, more than 100 came from of Edinburgh Primary School and Friends Primary School, East Bank Berbice.
The children had their fill, with Christmas music, lots to eat and drink – lunch, snacks, ice cream; and bags of goodies to take home as well.
And of course, jolly old Santa Claus asserted a dominant presence, distributing gifts and painstakingly ensuring that every little girl and boy received a toy – regardless of what their behaviour was like throughout the year.
The distribution of hot meals three days every week to these schools is facilitated and supervised by the parishes of Malgre Tout and the Church of the Ascension, Berbice, with the help of retired teachers, while cooking materials were provided by Managing-Director of Comfort Sleep, Dennis Charran.

This serving of hot, nutritious meals for less fortunate children is now into its 19th year, and is the brainchild of Charran.
Meanwhile, the party usually held at the Ptolemy Reid Rehabilitation Centre for children there, will not be held this year, due to logistical issues.
Instead, Comfort Sleep will be making a monetary donation to the centre. The mattress company has had a longstanding and ongoing relationship with the Ptolemy Reid Rehabilitation Centre and makes generous contributions towards the humanitarian cause.
Comfort Sleep, a good corporate citizen, has been hosting such parties in the respective regions for the last 10 years, bringing joy to the hearts of little children who would otherwise probably not have a fun-time to look forward to for the Christmas holidays.