Budget 2017 is a bold, sound and solid initiative that can move the country forward in achieving its goals, said President David Granger as he reiterated that Government will not be persuaded to change proposed measures therein.
“I would say that it’s a sound budget and the Government has not been persuaded that any of its measures are unlikely to meet the objective we set ourselves in 2017… the budget is part of a whole five-year programme and this is one phase of our mission to achieve the Green State,” the President said on his weekly television programme the “Public Interest” on Thursday.
He also noted that the comments and criticisms of the budget have been noted, but stressed that the budget is in the best interest of the country.
“So far we have not seen any of the measures that have been recommended are unlikely to do anything but help the Government and the country to move forward in becoming a Green State,” the President asserted.
He also noted the PPP’s criticism of Budget 2017, and pointed out that a budget is not something that happens suddenly.

“A budget is a continuous process and that process is triggered officially by the Ministry of Finance in July every year, the Ministry of Finance has methodically and systematically invited civil society, the ministries, public sector agencies to make presentations, the Cabinet itself has had several consultations, the Opposition was also called in by the Ministry of Finance.”
Mr Granger contended that the budget was the product of wide consultation, and it is not a matter of a battle between who shouts the loudest or who grabs headlines.
“I think it’s a question of sober reflection and I would say the Government is doing a good job in putting its case out there.”
Underscoring that Budget 2017 is the largest budget, the President said the Government would like to do many more things, but due to limited resources, this cannot be done.
“I wish we could build a bridge over the Demerara River by next December, I wish I could build a highway, I wish I could give UG $10B, but it’s just happens I have to give GuySuCo $10B, so there are limited resources and I can’t change that,” the President explained.
He said Guyana has to be prepared for change and for that reason, the population should look at the budget holistically and not just in bits and pieces.
“It is not standing still, it has taken some bold initiatives, and those initiatives will pay dividends,” he said, adding that: “We have to take cognisance of the resources we have. And of course, the objective that we are aiming at, and the means to get where we want to go with the existing resources, so unless we are going to stand still or fall backwards as a country we have to have a forward looking budget.”
Any citizen reading the budget can see for themselves what is going to happen in all the sectors, Mr Granger said. He said, “My overview is that it’s a budget that is easy for citizens to follow and come to conclusions themselves about where we want to go.”