The 2017 National Budget

THE National Assembly is meeting today to begin deliberations on the 2017 National Budget that was presented by Finance Minister Winston Jordan last Monday, 28th November.

The early preparation of this budget gives the country the advantage of starting the new calendar year knowing where revenues are allocated and will be collected from.

Respective institutions, ministries, and tiers of Government have the advantage of putting their programmes in place to access allocated funding for projects within their sphere of responsibilities.

The $250B budget was presented under the theme, “Building a diversified, green economy: delivering the good life to all Guyanese.”  There continues to be varying reactions to the budget, including from the opposition, the private sector, trade unions, commentators, and the man in the street.

There can be no denying the vociferous non-support, in part or whole. Government representatives responding to these criticisms by demonstrating a level of empathy could help to elevate public discourse and reduce the anxiety.

This editorial makes no case about the validity or absence thereof of what is ensconced in the budget, save to say that as a nation of diverse interests, arguments and support will not be homogeneous.

It is out of recognition of this reality that arriving at a place of understanding how the budget will impact the lives of citizens and advance the development of country that Government, including its information/communication arms, could seek to address.

Where persons are incensed that the budget is not in their interest, including those who can make similar argument for partisan political purpose, it cannot be ignored. It is further instructive that major stakeholders, among whom are those that have worked with the incumbent administration, in Government and opposition, are too expressing similar consternation.
The nation’s stability requires not ignoring these factors.

Public engagement in diverse society can be contentious. Contention does not have to be debilitating. Disagreement can be channelled in a manner of facilitating competing ideas that can withstand scrutiny, in arriving at educated and informed decisions.

It cannot escape attention that immediately after the reading by Minster Jordan, Leader of the Opposition Bharrat Jagdeo, who served as President and Finance Minister, called a press conference to excoriate the budget.

It was his opinion that dominated the news for days, shaping the views of some in society. Where the society did not have the benefit of widespread hearing of the Government’s side, prior to and immediately after reading, it places the Executive at a disadvantage.

Assessing the public’s mood requires facing the situations, however unpleasant they may appear. At the same time it is in the nation’s interest where concerns have been expressed by major stakeholders that Government engages them directly. Not doing so allows for the acceptance of ideas and opinions that may not be the facts to be seen as that of officialdom.

This week’s deliberations in the House could help the nation in having a budget that takes into consideration the expressed concerns heard in the public domain.

This can be achieved should members of the Assembly be receptive to opinions coming from both sides, recognising that while they may be representing a political party, they are ultimately sitting in this august House to advance the interest of the citizens and nation.

What we must as a nation always strive for is ensuring the comity of our people. It can never be overstated that whatever is wrong with Guyana can be made right by Guyanese.

The budget’s theme, “Building a diversified green economy: delivering the good life to all Guyanese” has within, what is evidently carefully chosen words, to realise the growth and development the people yearn for. It is doable and achievable.

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