This week we continue to look at ideas on how to create Christmas decorations from materials that you may think have no further use. As we embrace the holiday spirit, it is important to think about the impact of our actions on the environment. One of way to lower our impact on the environment is to reduce the amount of waste we produce. Let’s take a look at some great ideas to reduce our waste during this most wonderful time of the year.
1. Ball-Shaped Ornaments from old Christmas cards
Most of us receive a lot of Christmas cards each year and tend to throw them out the following year. This year, don’t throw them away! Turn all this paper and cardboard into impressive ball-shaped ornaments to hang on your Christmas tree. All you have to do is cut your paper cards into circles, fold them, glue them, and tie everything with a string. It’s really is as easy as it sounds!
2. Christmas Card Garlands
If the first project seems too complicated for young children, this one is going to be perfect. There’s no extra folding and gluing involved; just cut pretty pieces of paper and tape them onto a string. That’s all there is to it! You can use any paper for this, from unused Christmas cards to newspapers and magazines.
3. Old Keyboard Ornaments
Most of us have old computers keyboards. Rather that throwing them out convert the letters of an old keyboard to make Christmas word ornaments. This is one of the most fun ideas out there, and if you decide to make one, your tree is bound to get some extra attention. All it takes to make keyboard ornaments are some keyboard keys and a little bit of creativity. Even if you just tie them in strings that make up words, you’ve already done something special.
4. Use pot scrubbers to make an Upcycled Copper Wreath
Simply use a string to connect your old pot scrubbers and make a wreath to place on your door. This is a simple and thrifty way to decorate your house this Christmas. Feel free to add colour flair by spray painting your pot scrubbers.
Of course you can retain the decorations you make this year and reuse them next year and for many years to come. Just ensure you store them properly. You can also use your imagination and convert whatever waste you have into more wonderful decorations. All it takes is a bit of creativity!
For more ideas log on to the following sites:
10 Christmas Decorations You Can Make From Recycled Materials
You can share your ideas and questions by sending letters to: “Our Earth, Our Environment”, C/O EIT Division, Environmental Protection Agency, Ganges Street, Sophia, GEORGETOWN, or email us at: