ONE week after a sex tape involving self-proclaimed ‘Pope’ Philbert London was widely circulated on social media, London emerged before his elated Beacon Ministries congregation on Sunday at midday to say: “I am sorry.”But before he issued his apology at his Joseph Pollydore Street church, he recognised the presence of the media and urged his church members to stream his apology for the world to see, as he said things are often misrepresented.
“Take your phones out, stream, put it on live on Facebook… The press is here, and sometimes the pen slips and what was not said is written,” claimed the ‘pontiff’, who described the past week as the “saddest season” in his entire life.
In his address, London apologised repeatedly for his actions, telling worshippers that he is only human.
“I am sorry if I ever communicated to you by word or action that I could not fail in morality or social ethics or standing. If I did that, I am so sorry I made you feel that way,” he told about 50 members of his church, comprising young children and adults.
The ‘Pope’, lovingly called “Father” and “Papa” by his followers, said: “I am here to tell you from the depths of my heart that I am sorry for any pain, sorrow, embarrassment or shame that many would have experienced, and in many cases are still experiencing as a result of what has happened.”
As the Pope apologised, members of his congregation shouted: “We love you, Papa!” even as he sat on his wooden throne painted in gold and looked at them as if in remorse.
“I want to say how sorry I am for this disappointment, hurt and anguish you felt, and I hope that you will find it within your heart to forgive me and allow me to be your Father,” the fornicating holy man said to shouts of “We forgive you!”, “We love you!” and “You taught us well”, mostly from the female members of his congregation.
Looking dapper in an all-white suit with matching shoes and hat, a teary-eyed but lively London told his congregation that he nearby died ‘for real’ when the leaked sex tape went viral on the Internet.
“Really and truly, I thought at one time it would be better to die than to continue preaching and teaching. And come to think of it, I died. I am only standing here before you by the grace of God,” London told his willing congregation.
“Everybody makes mistakes!” one woman bellowed in reference to the busted playboy preacher, and this gained the support of several in the congregation.
Aside from apologising, London warned his congregation about documenting their sexual encounters.
“When other ministers of the faith stumbled, I sympathised with them, but I had no idea the pain they would have felt; but now I do. Beloved friends, I cannot wish an experience like this on my worst enemy…so much I would advise that the two or three other persons who may have stored personal or highly sensitive material on your device to take note. It would be wise to desist, so that this never happens to you,” London sermonised.
The ‘holy man’, caught proverbially with his pants down when the sex video surfaced, said the pain was “excruciating”, but he thanked his supporters for their words of advice.
Reading eloquently from a prepared speech on his white Samsung tablet, the ‘Pope’ said thusly: “As you know, I always preach and teach everyone that the love, grace and mercy of God are available to them; but when this happened to me, I realised I needed someone else to remind me of God’s grace, mercy and love that was also available to me.”
Citing several scriptures, the Pope, in low tone, said he can identify with Psalms 61:2, which says: “When my heart is overwhelmed, lead me to the rock that is higher than I”. He also noted that “amidst all the madness” he questioned God.
“I asked God why He called me when He knows the end from the beginning and He knew me from my mother’s womb and the fleshly robe with which He sent me into this world — the biological construct of it, with all of its desires and appetites.”
London, who appeared some two-and-a-half hours after worship in the church, sought to reassure himself that it is ok to err, and likened his actions to that of the biblical characters Sampson and David.
“I said, ‘Lord, you could have prevented the exposure of such damaging things; you could have destroyed it before it reached the public’.”
According to him, the God he serves told him the exposure was necessary. To this his congregation said, “Amen!” “Hallelujah!” while clapping, jumping and dancing.
“God is not mad at mankind, but rather He is madly in love with mankind,” London said. He declared that believers in Christ ought to know that that which has been done cannot be erased. London said, too, that persons can never be “righteous enough”.
“Again, from the depth of my heart, I am sorry for any pain, sorrow, embarrassment or shame that was experienced, and some are still experiencing…as a result of what has happened. If I ever gave you the impression through my teaching and preaching or my living that I was perfect and flawless, I am sorry. I am sorry if I ever indicated to you by word or action that I could not fail in morality or social ethics…. If I ever did that, I am so sorry I made you feel that way,” he said as he bent his head in apparent shame. But his apology was overcome by shouts of “Never!”
London, who sat between two senior members of his church on a stage, also said he forgives the person(s) who leaked the sex tapes.
“As for those who may have thought it was of God to do this, I have no option than to forgive them,” he said amid shouts of “Amen!”
“I don’t know what my sons will do, but I forgive them… I forgive all those who are in any way involved in acquiring, broadcasting, or sharing that which caused so much pain… And all those who embarked on an excursion of vindictiveness, I bless them; they don’t know better,” the playboy said sheepishly as he begged for forgiveness.
Meanwhile, Attorney Excellence Dazzell, who was born Oceia Parris but later changed her name on the behest of London, painted him as a man with a great heart. She said he helped her significantly while she was studying, and she openly expressed her love for him.
“Papa, I love you! I love you, and where I am today is because of you. Papa, people don’t know, but now is the time for them to know: When I was going to UG (University of Guyana) and I needed money, a laptop, my first laptop, came from you. When I was going to study this law, you gave me a word that I would win Ms. Renaissance, and that is what gave me the scholarship to UG. When I was going to study law, I asked so many persons for help. Nobody gave me help, (but) this church came together because this man of God stood and said we are going to give into Sister Excellence’s education. The man of God paid rent for me when I needed it; the robe that I walked down the High Court with, he is the one (who) paid for it, because I hadn’t money to pay for it. So I just want you to know that I love you. I love you, my father, and I love you,” the attorney said to shouts of “Amen! He is a true man of God!”
Another member of the church said it was London who helped her, and she owed him all appreciation for what she has attained thus far.
“Today I stand proudly with you. I love you. When my daughter was in high school…you called, she said she wanted a laptop, I couldn’t afford it — you bought it for her. You told me she will finish and be a lawyer… Next year she will be in university because of you. Because of you, and I wanna say stand strong and see the salvation of the Lord.”
Others in the congregation contended that the ‘Pope’ did not murder anyone, and as such should not be harshly criticised.
Likewise, Bishop Guy Griffith, in endorsing the words of the congregation, said, “To me, there is no other man of God like you. Continue to be my father, sir; I appreciate you, I love you, man of God.”
Even as London sat on his throne in a sorrowful disposition, his followers sang Tina Turner’s ‘Simply the best’ lustily as he looked on; and at the end of it all, the congregation shouted: “You are forgiven, Father!”