IMAGINE a community where all the adults care about the welfare and well-being of all the children in the neighbourhood. So much so that when a child lacks attention, love or resources, it is not long before someone notices and everybody pulls together to ensure that the child gets whatever he or she needs to get by. Food, clothes, school uniform, books, affection, care and nurturing: You name it; it is available in this community. This is made possible because some mothers in the community formed a group called ‘mothers on the look-out’. They work together to provide this special service for children in their community.
In this community an adult has the authority to ‘manners’ a child (any child) who is being disrespectful or rude. This is done by explaining to the child that certain behaviours are not acceptable or ‘becoming’ of a young woman/man and a lesson in attitude and behaviour might follow. An apology is usually accepted from the child and if there are further incidents (or reported incidents) the child is sanctioned in some way (by their caregiver or parents).
In this community domestic violence is not tolerated. (It really has no place in any community). There were a couple of incidents in the past, where a few adults felt like beating up on their spouses for various reasons. But the community policing group heard about the incidents (as good and bad news travels like wildfire in this community). Officers intervened by turning up on the perpetrators doorstep and threatening a citizen’s arrest unless the perpetrator sought counselling. After that, word got around it became common knowledge in the area that domestic violence is not just a crime against an individual; it is a crime against the entire community.
This information became common knowledge through a series of workshops in the community and by way of leaflets, posters and various places of worship, sharing the news with their congregations.
You see this community realised that they had the power to make things happen and to make and maintain the kind of change that keeps their families safe within their neighbourhood and safe inside their homes. They realised that when you work together you achieve results. Anyone can turn a blind eye and say, ‘me nah care, that is none of my business’, But to put your heart and minds into progressing and achieving as a community, to want to see the best for yourself and the children in your neighbourhood? Now that takes commitment, dedication and responsibility.
It is often said ‘it takes a village to raise a child’, it is also said. ‘The hand that rocks the cradle shapes the world. Both these adages simply mean that adults have the power and means to organise themselves and make decisions that will assist children (the next generation) to grow and progress in the right ways. When we work together we can rest assured that the input we make now will pay off sometime in the future. The community mentioned in this article may sound like a dream but it is within our grasp if we really want it. There are definitely more ‘good’ than ‘bad’ people in the world so that while you are waiting for A CARING COMMUNITY IT STARTS WITH YOU.
If you are concerned about the welfare of a child call the Childcare and Protection
Hotline on 227 0979 or write to us at