A 56-YEAR-OLD security guard was on Tuesday sentenced to nine months in prison by Magistrate Dylan Bess after he admitted to breaking into his employer’s storage bond and carting off several items.Osmond Hussain of Agricola accepted the charge which stated that between December 1, 2015 and September 29, 2016 while being inside the storage bond of Rabindranath Rampersaud he stole a quantity of vinolay, taps, brooms and a generator – total value $194,000.
According to reports Hussain was hired as a security guard by Rampersaud to watch over his storage bond, leaving the accused alone in the building.
On December 1, 2015 the businessman secured his premises and left but when bond-checks were made on September 29, 2016 the items were missing.
The matters was reported to the police and based upon investigations ranks went to Hussain’s home where the stolen items were discovered.
The Magistrate in sentencing the accused considered his guilty plea and the fact that he seemed remorseful.
However Bess told him “The court cannot encourage your actions,” before passing his ruling.