PRIME Minister Moses Nagamootoo, currently reviewing for the broadcast sector draft regulations that are geared at guiding the licensing of local radio and television operations, told the Guyana Chronicle he intends to have the regulations tabled before the National Assembly soon.“I have received a copy of what appears to be reworked draft regularizations…. These are regulations that (have) to be deduced to give some specific content to the Broadcast Act…which sets out policies; but then the regulations would set out the modalities, the procedures, standards that have to be satisfied…,” he said.
He added: “I intend to lay them in the Parliament as soon as I am satisfied that they’d be helpful in the process of doing both review and granting of the licences.”
The Prime Minister had, in August, expressed concern over what had appeared to be the stymieing of efforts to provide full television and radio coverage to citizens across Guyana. He had told the Guyana Chronicle then that draft regulations were sent to him by the Chairman of the Guyana National Broadcasting Authority (GNBA), Leonard Craig, and those regulations were reviewed and dispatched to the Attorney General’s Office for further examination.
The Chief Parliamentary Counsel had, at that time, sent the draft regulations back to the GNBA, but no further action had been taken by the board.
“It appears as if the humbug was the board itself…because, from what I gather, they seem to have had a crisis in interpersonal relationships; and if I say so very specific in parlance that could be easily understood: men couldn’t get along (with each other),” the Prime Minister explained.
He explained that the GNBA Chairman and a few directors were at loggerheads over various matters, and the work of the board had consequently been affected.
The Prime Minister said that efforts to correct some of the licences deemed to be issued wrongfully by the former People’s Progressive Party Civic (PPPC) Administration were torpedoed by “the lack of cooperation on the board”.
“I am disappointed that the board has not earlier concluded its consideration of regulations under which the regularising of the spectrum could be done…review, revoke, granting licences. It would open the door of opportunities to have these things done, and more particularly to satisfy the public expectations,” the Prime Minister added.
Nagamootoo had, back in August, slammed the GNBA Board for having the regulations “languishing in the bosom of the board, or at a sub-committee of the board”.
The Prime Minister said the GNBA has been hamstrung in the discharge of its mandate, and it was indicated to him, through the Chairman of the Board, that there are problems brewing that can assume “crisis dimensions”.
He noted it is important that the process of reviewing, revoking, and issuing of licences should begin, as the APNU-AFC Coalition Government has made several promises to the people and it intends to fulfill those promises.
“Guyanese people deserve better…the spectrum belongs to the people of Guyana, it is a national resource; it is not something that belongs to any private person, and one cannot simply arrogate to one’s self the right to broadcast in a select area. I would like to see television and radio cover all parts of Guyana. Every citizen of this country has a right to know what is taking place in this country,” he had told Guyana Chronicle.