Dharmic Sabha cannot produce a single document justifying Diwali on Sunday


Dear Editor,

PLEASE permit me to comment on Peeping Tom’s “The division within the Hindu community” (K.N. Oct. 28). Peeping Tom says, “The main Hindu Organisation in Guyana says Diwali should be celebrated on a particular day.”But this main Hindu Organisation is the only organisation within the western hemisphere (which shares the same time zone as Guyana) that is celebrating on the 30th; all countries within Guyana time zone: USA, Canada Trinidad, etc, are celebrating on the 29th. Moreover, all Panchangas (Astrological Tables) have Diwali for the 29th.

Dharmic Sabha cannot produce a single document to justify its case. Should Guyana celebrate with Dharmic Sabha on the 30th, it would isolate Guyana from the rest of the western world, being the only country to celebrate on the 30th.
Peeping Tom asks: “How is it, under the PPPC there was never such a division? Why now?” During the ‘life’ of Pt. Reepu Daman Persaud, the dates were correctly computed; the controversy started after his death.

Those presently responsible for the calendar are using questionable methods. Dharmic Sabha presently does not have the intellectual capacity in this field; its president and executive, for example, are not pandits.

Peeping Tom says, “The Government is clearly leaning towards the opinions of certain Hindu leaders, however miniscule their support base.”

This is not the case. These “certain Hindu leaders” are qualified pandits who are fully supported in their contention by the Panchangas. I, for instance, was the sole lecturer at the Dharmic Sabha’s Pandits’ Training Programme for the period 2005-2012.

Let it be mentioned that no pandit of the Dharmic Sabha has ever lectured at that programme for the past 15 years. Presently, there is no class for want of teachers. Make what you want of it.

Peeping Tom says, “The Government is being disingenuous, and perhaps naughty, in ignoring the submission of the major Hindu Organization in Guyana.”

Not because the Dharmic Sabha is the major Hindu organization in Guyana should their submission be accepted. All evidence and proofs of correctness must be taken into consideration.
Peeping Tom can verify from friends and relatives in Trinidad, Canada and USA when they are celebrating. Or better still: I can, right now, give him copies of seven Panchangas that have the 29th.

Peeping Tom says, “The AFC is alienating the very supporters which it needs….”

The AFC is doing nothing of the kind. The supporters of Dharmic Sabha are fiercely loyal to Dharmic Sabha and a certain political party, so much so that if told to celebrate Diwali on December 25, they would do it. AFC doesn’t have a chance.

Peeping Tom ends with, “One possible explanation could be that it is the major Hindu organisation that is the source of the problem?”

Space will not permit me to comment fully on this. But suffice it to say that all efforts at compromise with this major Hindu organisation have failed, even in the face of incontrovertible evidence. Peeping Tom is totally out of sync with this issue.
Pt. R. Balbadar

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