Confident and Confidential Part 2…

If glitter is too much…use shimmer powders

Makeup artists are often compared to magicians, because it may seem like what they do are magic tricks.makeupIt’s more of an art form that is often used with psychological illusions- yes, it’s a science!
On a daily basis what we see and what we interpret are two completely different things, suffice to add the adage, “It’s all mind over matter.”
Our perspective can change with knowledge, art and creativity.
The lighting and the vantage point of a person can create and accomplish chiaroscuro, depth, and dynamic of an image. What we perceive isn’t exactly what we see.
Therefore, allow your mind to be open, and know the tricks your own head is playing.
Accomplishing Perfection
I am a perfectionist. But, no one is perfect, (except maybe, me, of course) and if you see anything lacking flaws, ask it what moisturizer it uses, and plastic surgeon…or who it’s Makeup Artist is!
If you embrace your flaws and the features that make you unique you’ll discover that “there is a kind of beauty in imperfection”- Conrad Hall

Here’s a before and after selfie!

The Ultimate Trick
…is to use highlighting powders and shimmer eyeshadows to fill in wrinkles and reflect light.

1. Apply foundation as you normally do and add concealer if necessary
2. Using a small blending eyeshadow brush, dip shimmering eyeshadows and apply it under the eyes, gently and lightly into the creases of the eye socket. Add more, if necessary
3. Using a damp sponge apply a matte face powder under eye to eliminate the appearance of excess oiliness. The aim is to subtly reflect light to disguise the dark circles
4. Wisp away any excess powders, and blend in a circular motion

There’s no better way to beat darkness than with light.
So let your light shine through, and keep sending more requests!


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