‘Grey Boy’ freed of Crum-Ewing’s murder
Regan Rodrigues, aka ‘Grey Boy’
Regan Rodrigues, aka ‘Grey Boy’

A GEORGETOWN Magistrate Wednesday freed “Grey Boy,” the man accused of the March, 2015 murder of political activist Courtney Crum-Ewing, arguing that while the gun used in the murder was found at his home, the prosecution failed to pin him to the murder.

Courtney Crum-Ewing
Courtney Crum-Ewing

Regan Anthony Rodrigues (Grey Boy) was freed of the charge after Magistrate Judy Latchman accepted the no-case submission filed by his Attorney Adrian Thompson.
In her ruling, Magistrate Latchman said that while she was satisfied that the gun, which was used to shoot Crum-Ewing was found at the home of the accused, the evidence offered by the prosecution did not implicate Rodrigues in the actual murder.

As such, the Magistrate dismissed the murder charge against Rodrigues and informed him that he was a free man. Rodrigues, 37, is however still in prison as he is currently serving a three-year sentence at the Camp Street prison for escaping lawful custody.

At the end of the Preliminary Inquiry on Friday last, Thompson made his no-case submission, noting that the Prosecution failed to establish a prima facie case against Rodrigues, by being unable to establish that he committed the offence. The lawyer also noted that the Prosecution also failed to present to the court a witness who saw what had transpired when Crum-Ewing was murdered.

According to Thompson, the other evidence presented to the court were insufficient to prove that a prima facie case had been established against Rodrigues.

In response to this submission, Nigel Hughes, Special Prosecutor appointed to the case, noted that the accused admitted to the police that he owned the gun which was used in the murder and that it was for his protection.

“He [Rodrigues] told the police that they can’t turn him in with the gun, because the gun do nuff thing,” Hughes said. He further argued that when Crum-Ewing was killed, the gun was found in the possession of Rodrigues. Hughes urged the Magistrate to take into account Rodrigues’ admission of possessing the gun for a number for years.

Rodrigues was charged separately for the possession of an illegal gun and ammunition, for which he was eventually found not guilty at the end of a trial before Magistrate Fabayo Azore.

Rodrigues was charged with Crum-Ewing’s murder on August 07, 2015. It was alleged that on March 10, at Diamond, East Bank Demerara, he murdered Crum-Ewing.

The accused had told the court that “money was passed” and the real man that assassinated the political activist walked away scotch free. Crum-Ewing was assassinated while urging residents of Diamond to vote for the Opposition Coalition prior to the May 11, 2015 general and regional elections. He was shot five times, including three times to the head at point blank range.


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