AFC doesn’t owe Ramayya a dime – Ramjattan
Khemraj Ramjattan
Khemraj Ramjattan

LEADER of the Alliance For Change (AFC) Khemraj Ramjattan said his party does not owe Dr Veerasammy Ramayya a dime.

Dr Veerasammy Ramayya
Dr Veerasammy Ramayya

Ramayya, the former Regional Executive Officer of Region Six announced his resignation from the party, which forms part of the country’s coalition administration , on Tuesday. In a letter addressed to General Secretary of the AFC, David Patterson, and dated September 13th, 2016, Dr Ramayya said among other things that he is disappointed that the money he spent in 2011 and 2015 was not returned.
He said he had spent more than $15M on the party during the campaign period and received only $5.5M.
“Recently I have sent six letters out from the President downwards asking them if I would be reimbursed for the money I spent in 2015…weeks and no one had the courtesy to acknowledge my letter and further to that, in 2011, although I received $5.5 M, the election cost Region Six over $20M… Today I find that people who have not invested more for this new government are reaping the benefit,” Dr Ramayya said.
But on Wednesday, Ramjattan told the Guyana Chronicle that he had anticipated the former REO’s resignation.
“We don’t owe him a dime, absolutely nothing – 15M? During the campaign we paid the people who we were supposed to pay and they all got their monies. A claim of $15M…would make me use some very unpleasant words which I do not want to use,” Ramjattan said in response to questions posed by the Guyana Chronicle.
He did however acknowledge the work put in by Dr Ramayya and said the party has done that which was required for the former Region Six REO.
“I think we did what we had to do for him… [We] gave him the regional executive position,” said the AFC leader.
“I might be unpleasant with the remarks…he still remains a very good friend and he worked hard for the party. I will probably put out a statement later on, I don’t want to now,” he told the Guyana Chronicle.
The AFC leader has no issue with Dr Ramayya rejoining the party in the future, despite Tuesday’s resignation, which was the second such for Ramayya.
“I have, for a person like that, an open -door policy. Mistakes will be made, mistakes have been made, even I have made mistakes. Yes, why not? A person like him, I would give second and third chances,” remarked Ramjattan.
On Tuesday, Dr Ramayya said his contributions and investments “did not resonate deeply” with the party.


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