Time to go back to school

THREE, two, one and they’re off back to school, with all the anticipation and revelations that a new school term can bring. For some parents it’s a breeze: new shoes, new books, nice uniforms and accessories for their children? No problem. But, for others, it’s another part of their continual uphill struggle to supply what their children need to get by.Parents really need to be resilient nowadays; they need to be shrewd and disciplined in the way they economize to survive. So, this week on 4 MINUTES FOR CHANGE, we salute those parents who struggle, and we take ‘our hats off’ to all their endeavours. Parents, we encourage you to never give up; there is a strong possibility that you will reap the benefits of your efforts in the future.

Regardless of your social or economic standing as a parent, there are some things you can do to add to the benefits you may reap in the future; and because this is a new school term, what better time to start? That is, if you do not already know and do the things we are about to share.

You can:
* Encourage children to enjoy and apply themselves to their education. Remember, it is an essential part of their development
* Be enthusiastic about their contributions and achievements, especially when they share them with you. Praise them and give recognition to their efforts.
* Catch up on how they spent their day EVERY DAY, or as often as possible. Learn about their friends, their teachers, their experiences, and the things that matter to them.
* Show a genuine interest in what they say and the things they talk about. If you are busy, tell them you will set aside some quality time to spend with them later. It is better to give quality time than listen to a child half-heartedly.
* Remember that children often need to offload experiences and events, in order to make space and prepare their minds for new ones. Be a good listener; ask questions, make comments, let them go into detail. This helps to develop their imagination and observation skills.
* Make your child feel special every time you see him/her. Treat him or her as if he/she is the centre of your world. Even if you have had a hard day, you can still show some affection. Maybe he/she has had a hard day too.
* Teach children that the sky is the limit, and they can achieve whatever they put their minds to.
* Bear in mind that there is a time for everything. There is a time to work, a time to learn, a time to play, and a time to rest. Don’t get stressed. Create positive guidelines and boundaries for you and your child/children this new school term, and stick to them. Be organised for productivity and for your own sense of well-being.
Balance the things you need to do with caring for your children. Protect them and keep them safe; make them feel loved and appreciated. By doing these simple things, you can help your children to become valuable members of our society in the future.

If you are concerned about the welfare of a child, call the Childcare and Protection Hotline on 227-0979, or write to us at childcaregy@gmail.com

This is a message from the Childcare and Protection Agency of the Ministry of Social Protection.

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