Examining nationhood

IF ONE were to ask any Guyanese “what is nationhood?”, one is bound to come up with several answers. And this is OK, given that nationhood means different things to different people at different moments in their lives and based on their experiences.To ask a Guyanese how he or she sees self and prefers to be identified would similarly result in varied answers.

The sense of patriotism that exemplifies a nation and creates in its people that sense of nationhood is a complex issue. Though complex, it is not difficult to pin down and work to make real in the sense of belongingness that would create the impetus to want to protect, build, and defend what’s yours.

But what is nationhood? There are several definitions and theories of this concept, with all carrying a common thread that is best exemplified in the online “yourdictionary.com”, which says “nationhood is the state of being a nation, or a large group of people united by common language, culture or economic life.”

Guyana, as we know it, though originally occupied by our Amerindian brothers and sisters, was later to be a slave, indentured and colonised society for European powers. All who were subject to European dictates were treated as unequal in the socio-economic political order, which was sustained on a divide-and-rule policy.

The struggle by the subjugated that resulted in the achievement of independence/self-government in 1966 set in place the establishment of efforts to institute a way of life in a common space, built on common experiences, and common aspirations.

The resulting effect was the acceptance of local universal laws, common language, and the forging of a common culture that incorporated the cultural experiences of the diverse groups. For instance, though English has been acknowledged as the official language, it seemingly incorporates the languages of all groups. It should be said that although Guyana identifies English as it official language, there is acknowledgement in formal identification of other spoken languages, such as creole, Urdu, Amerindian tribal languages, etc.

The culture of a society is seen through holistic lenses, i.e. the lived experiences of its people. Where this society, though diverse in heritage, came out of common historical experiences of marginalisation and oppression of the majority, the fusion of all into ensuring common acceptance of our humanness and equality has been made possible through laws and institutions such as an indigenous education system, national calendar that gives recognition to major events of the ethnic groups, and a set of values that umbrella the nation’s uniqueness in the world and its people’s dreams and aspirations.

To Guyana’s credit, ours is a tri-sectoral economy in which equal respect is given to the role of Government, private sector, and cooperatives in carving out and executing their economic interests consistent with the laws governing their conduct.

The sense of who we are as people, or rather our patriotic flavour, is noted in institutions such as the military, system of governance, symbols exemplified in the coat of arms, national anthem and songs, folklore, cuisine, dress, values and so forth. It is the appreciation of these — the desire to advance, defend and protect same at all cost — that often determines and tests the level of patriotism.

When the above are woven into an education system — formal and informal — that is not only geared to create literate people for the workforce, but also empowered to recognise and appreciate the country’s values, stages in its evolution, the contributions of all its peoples, why we do the things we do, along with preparing citizens to collectively confront the requirements and challenges needed to protect, defend and develop country — nationhood is being practised.

As Guyanese observe and admire nationhood as displayed in other countries, and the diaspora seeks to identify with the nationhood of its adoptive country, such is invariably informed by the very thing taken for granted or ignored here. That is: if a people know not from whence they came; or are made to feel they have played, or can play, no significant role in a land that gave them birth; or the system works for some, trample and shut out others with seemingly no recourse to change course, alienation steps in.

When alienation steps in, people lose the essence of appreciating their existence in the given place and see no need to stand up, work for, defend and protect a country that they feel has betrayed or let them down. The fundamentals of this nation are strong, its foundation laid, the stories of these must be told and exemplified ever so often in ensuring that sense of belongingness as Guyanese, irrespective of diversity. It is the commonness of our history, survival, and desired pursuit for development that must propel us forward in strengthening our nationhood.

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