GEORGETOWN Deputy Mayor Sherod Duncan has said his conscience will not permit him to give support to the contract that will see parking meters being installed in Georgetown, even if Cabinet throws its support behind it.“If central government is ok with the project, then so be it. But my position will remain the same,” he told the Chronicle on Tuesday in an invited comment.
At a press conference last Monday, Chairman of City Hall’s Finance Committee, Oscar Clarke, said that the City Council doesn’t need to seek permission from anyone to have the project implemented.
However, he said: “Out of courtesy, we think we have to speak to the minister. The minister doesn’t make a decision for the Council; the Cabinet does. But the minister has said he is happy we were able to visit with him; that he has a copy of the contract, and he is sure that on the basis of what we explained to him, he is going to deliver to Cabinet a different message from the one which he has seen in the press.”
The Deputy Mayor is insisting, though, that based on his personal research and those of councillors, sufficient facts are lacking that make supporting the parking meters deal difficult. “So much has been shady with regards to the contract and how it will be rolled out.”
The Mayor and Town Clerk Royston King had stated their position on Monday that the contract will not be made available to councillors and the public until after the project is implemented.
“What is so special about this contract that it cannot be shared with the public? Who would steal it? Another country? Another municipality? It doesn’t make sense,” Duncan offered.
Chase-Green and King had also defended the reason they chose to sign the contract before visiting Mexico and Panama. “Who signs a contract and then do due diligence after to see how well the machines work? And when was a vote taken on this matter?” questioned Duncan.
Meanwhile, Chase-Green has said that a “deliberate” decision was made not to share with City Councillors and the public the contract that was signed with National Parking Systems (NPS)/Smart City Solutions.
A number of councillors recently complained that they had been denied access to the contract, although they were promised in the past that they would be able to peruse it and provide feedback.
Asked how the councillors could have agreed to the contract when it was not shared with them, King responded: “All contracts are signed by the Town Clerk, who is the Chief Administrative Officer of the City Council. All contracts are signed by the Town Clerk. The contract was seen by the councillors, who took the decision prior to the incumbent Council.
“We had an informative session (in which) councillors were informed about the contract, but the contract itself was agreed on by the previous Council. A decision was taken by the previous Council, and therefore we go forward.”
Commenting on the possibility of the contract being made available to members of the new Council, Chase-Green offered: “A contract for the M&CC is a private document for the administration. It will be unfair for this Council to give every single councillor a copy of that contract. We could not afford to have all contracts being given out to councillors. Nobody knows where they will take those contracts. Those are private documents of the Council. They are free to request to see, but they have to come to the administration’s office, read it and then leave; but not to take it away with them. Which organisation within this whole world gives contracts to every single member who asks for it?”
According to the Mayor, City Hall will be receiving 20 per cent of whatever is earned through the parking meters, which will be built in such a way that they cannot be vandalised.
“So far, the consortium with which we have a contract has already sent their engineers and technical team to do various assessments. As we speak, parking meters are being processed for shipping to Georgetown, to allow the project to begin on schedule,” she disclosed.
Asked about cost to citizens, Chase-Green said the $500 per hour to park is being reviewed, and the amount would be less. As for employees parking outside their workplaces, she said they will be granted a special concession.
Parking meters will be installed on every street between South Road and Church Street, Water Street and Camp Street. The arrangement will be such that one meter would be placed for approximately 15 parking spaces.
Questioned if the City has enough space for the installation of parking meters, Chase-Green informed that there are in excess of 4000 spaces. She refused to say, however, just how many meters would be installed.
Citizens would have to purchase prepaid cards for parking, and once the necessary information would have been punched in, the control room will receive an indication if a driver has overstayed his time. The driver will subsequently be given a ticket, or the vehicle will be towed away, at the expense of the driver.