IF you see an adult beating up a child, boxing, kicking or pinching a child, wringing a child’s ear, grabbing, shaking, burning, biting, scalding or choking a child, these are acts of physical violence in violation of the rights of a child and more commonly known as child abuse.There are various types of child abuse: for instance, if you hear someone calling a child names, such as fool, stupid, dunce, you’re a let-down, a disgrace, a whore, a cross: or threatening a child with aggressive gestures or language such as swearing, shouting at, or humiliating a child, these are acts of psychological abuse. Psychological abuse includes preventing a child from contacting a parent, family member or friend; not allowing children to express themselves or depriving them of food, sleep or an education.
Sexual abuse occurs when a child’s private parts are deliberately penetrated by a sexual organ, body part or object. Sexual abuse also involves the fondling or inappropriate touching of children in a sexual way. Other forms of sexual abuse is when an adult tells a child sexual things, or when adults expose their private parts to a child. Forcing a child to watch sexual material (porn or photographs) or listen to sexually explicit music is child sexual abuse.
When children are left alone for long periods of time without adult care or guardianship, this is called neglect. Neglect is also when a parent fails to show love, care and affection to a child. When children are left to do as they like; when they have to find their own food and they are not sent to school, this is neglect.
These are just four examples of child abuse; however, there are many more derogatory things that adults either do to children or expose them to. All the things that children suffer at the hands of the very adults who are meant to protect them are against the law, they are illegal acts. That is why adults who are aware that children are being mistreated should not be afraid to make a report to the relevant authorities.
The Protection of Children Act was passed in Parliament in 2009. It states that CHILDREN HAVE THE RIGHT TO LEAD HAPPY, PRODUCTIVE LIVES, FREE FROM PHYSICAL, EMOTIONAL OR MENTAL HARM OR ABUSE. When a child’s health, well-being or safety is being threatened in some way, the law provides for the protection of these children. The Childcare and Protection Agency, within the Ministry of Social Protection, has a 24-hour hotline and an email address where adults, who are concerned about the welfare of a child, can make contact.
I would now like to ask you to re-read this article from the beginning and to stop at the end of the fourth paragraph at the word “neglect.” My question to you is this, what could a child possibly do that is so bad, that it warrants the type of abuse mentioned in these paragraphs?
If you are concerned about a child you can ring the CPA hotline 227 0979 or email childcaregy@gmail.com
A Message from the Childcare and Protection Agency, Ministry of Social Protection