On patriotism and unity

Hello Everyone
I hope this week has treated you well. This weekend was/is all the festivities for the 50th anniversary of Guyana’s independence. I hope you all had a great holiday on Thursday and celebrated in a mentally and physically healthy manner. Many people travelled to celebrate with us and there were many parties and activities. I hope we all practised moderation- didn’t over eat, drink or used drugs.
I would like to talk about the importance of a country’s independence, as well as the importance of patriotism and unity. Do we ever really think about what “One People, One Nation, One Destiny” really means?
Over the years, I have heard many people say that Guyana gaining independence was a huge mistake- that if we were still under British rule, Guyana would be much richer and more beautiful.
Who really knows if this is true? What I do know for a fact is that Guyana will be what we want to make it. We, the citizens decide every day if it’s going to be a clean, educated, classy, understanding, welcoming, hardworking and patient place. Independence has given us a chance to express who we really are as well as what we value. We have the freedom to do what we think is right for our country.
Guyana has unique resources, things unfound elsewhere- both natural and acquired. It is worthy of praise as we celebrate another year of independence. We have taken remarkable steps and have been blessed with such natural resources that not only allows us Guyanese to benefit- but for the whole world to experience. We have the largest untouched rainforest in the world, the highest one drop waterfall, some of the largest animals (of their species), the best Rum (Guinness Book of World Record approved) and so much more to offer the world. More importantly, we have great potential for growth where needed.
Recently I read this statement: “Though all the fingers are not alike, the power of a fist which brings the five fingers together is immense”. This made me want to talk about the importance of unity- especially during these times.
Unity is defined as “being united or joined as a whole”. It has many benefits- both for a country and for personal benefit. Unity brings peace of mind, peace in general, forgiveness, effectiveness (two heads are better than one) and teamwork. It allows for a reset button on any level. We need to forget any drama and disagreements and come together and celebrate as one- that’s the whole point.

We even see the strength of unity in animals. They know the benefits of travelling in herds- this brings a sense of security and is overall very important for their survival. We should all know that if a team works together, in the same direction, with a shared desire, the efficiency increases and the outcome/ goal is sooner attained. Advantage can only be taken if there are cracks in solidarity.
It is also important to remember that a county needs its citizens just as citizens needs their country. The simple fact is- when people love and respect their country, they more often than not want to stay and commit to it. Migration becomes less, and those fortunate enough to be educated abroad will return home to provide new resources to our nation. They are willing to sacrifice first world factors such as higher salaries, higher levels of entertainment and overall privileges to come and improve their home. Not to mention, when they are abroad, the way individuals represent Guyana will increase interest and tourism in our community. This keeps us alive and strong.
Loving a place makes one want to learn about and improve it; to discover the unique identity and traditions- not to mention, share it with the rest of the world. I have personally experienced all of this having studied abroad for approximately seven years. More recently, I spent three days in New York. Honestly, it felt like three years and I constantly spoke about Guyana to those who will listen.

Coming back from New York, I was able to see the amount of foreigners who came in to celebrate with us. I hope everyone was and remains on their best behaviour as who knows how long they are staying and what they are looking for. Continue keeping the place clean and showing respect for our land and people.
I would like to begin writing success stories of individuals who have overcome any mental illness such as drug addiction, depression or anxiety. If you would like to share your story, anonymously or not, please write in to caitlinvieira@gmail.com. Also, continuing letting me know what else you would like to talk about OR stop in and see me at Woodlands Hospital Outpatient Department. For issues with drugs/ alcohol – Monday’s at 4:30. General mental health issues- Wednesday’s at 4:30.
Say Yes to Life and No to Drugs! Always!

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