By Neil Primus
THE gang of men worked hard, cutting, chopping, hacking and weeding the heavily wooded area. New development had arrived; this plot of land would soon be a supermarket. They worked, then rested. As they cleared the land, they spread out in different directions, each responsible for a particular plot of land.
Thomas worked hard, and only paused occasionally to take a drink of water. He had started working with the cleaning gang over two weeks ago. At the time, he had been out of work and desperate for money. In a month, his first son would be born. He now had some demanding responsibilities.
Even though he was a qualified and skilled mason, jobs in the construction field were not immediately available. As far as he was concerned, any job would do.
His wife of three years was a teacher. She was now on maternity leave. They lived in the large, riverine community of Beacon. If one wanted guaranteed employment, then the city was the only option. This he could not do; no way was he leaving Allison at this time.
His blade flew this way and that; and the vegetation seemed to cringe from every blow.
He was falling. Thomas found himself chest deep in a hole. He got up and looked around him. Then the true significance of where he was struck him. The hole was an old grave!
He stepped forward and felt something under his feet. He looked down and saw bones scattered all around.
A low, deep rumble was coming from somewhere in the hole where he was standing. But he wouldn’t be for long. With a scream that brought his colleagues running, Thomas leapt out of the hole. Only the restraining hands of his friends prevented him from fleeing the area.
“Oh God! Is jumbie!” he spluttered.
He and his friends returned to the grave and looked inside. The yellowish, discoloured bones were clearly visible.
“Did you see something?”
Thomas nodded vigorously. Then he grabbed his bag and hurried home.
That night, Thomas had a terrible dream. He dreamt he was walking along a bushy path. It was dark, and the bushes were encroaching on the path. As he walked, the vegetation grew thicker and thicker.
Then, suddenly, the vines encircled and tightened around his legs. The branches struck violently at his face and body, and the fruits struck him like mini missiles.
He started to struggle, but this did little to help his plight. He struck out at the attacking forest, but the green mass only increased its assault. It was no use fighting. He began to scream. The branches held him firmly, and shook him.
When he came awake, Allison was shaking him gently. She had a worried look on her pretty face.
“You OK? I jus’ came home and hear you screaming.”
At this, Thomas quickly came to his senses. He didn’t want Allison to be worrying at a time like this.
“It’s okay. I just had a bad dream,” he said.
She came to bed, and he eventually drifted off to sleep. But this time, the dream was even stranger. An elegantly attired old man, dressed in African wear, approached him.
“You disturbed my rest,” he told Thomas, none too politely.
“Yes! You destroyed my home!”
“Which home, Sir?”
“The one you broke into yesterday!”
“Me! Break into your home!”
“You broke my grave!”
It was only then that it dawned on Thomas what this aristocratic gentleman was telling him.
“Sorry, Sir. But I fell into it.”
“I know that!”
“I promise never to disturb you again.”
Seemingly satisfied with the apology, the old gentle said:
“I would like you to bury me properly.”
Eager to please, Thomas replied:
“What should I do?”
“Just take my bones, dig a nice grave, bury me, and pray for my soul.”
“I will.”
The next day, Thomas went to work and began making preparations. He found a nice, quiet spot away from the site that was being prepared.
He cleared the area, leaving only the wild flowers. He then dug a neat grave. Gathering the bones, he put them respectfully into the new grave, and sealed it. Then he prayed for the soul of his elderly friend. After that, he continued his work as usual.
That night, he had another weird dream. The old man approached with a broad smile.
“Thank you, my friend,” he said. “I have a gift for you.”
With that, he handed Thomas an old metal box. He took Thomas’s hand, shook it, then disappeared.
Thomas cautiously opened the box and found himself staring at some gold coins.
In total shock, he dropped the box from his listless fingers. The coins scattered all over.
At this, he awoke with a start. Somehow, the dream seemed so real! Then something cold touched his legs. Groping in the dark, he felt some small objects around him. He eventually switched on the bedside lamp.
Thomas’s eyes bulged in disbelief! Spread out on his bed were gold coins glittering in the light! All he could think was, “That was some dream!” Now, to explain all this to Allison.