Transition from hope to disenchantment faster than expected

Dear Editor
THE Harmon affair, other instances of ministerial impropriety and the marginalising of new political formations by the traditional parties in local government elections are all symptomatic of a deeper crisis facing Guyana today, a crisis of credibility and unfulfilled expectations. Perception of failure of the coalition Government to honour its central campaign promise, namely, addressing the excesses of the previous administration, is fuelling the disappointment of a largely urban population. Indeed, the Government’s actions to date suggest not merely a reneging on this promise, but also reflect a process of governing not remote from that which it deplored and vowed to replace. That reviled process, characterised by lack of transparency, lack of accountability and personal aggrandisement, to name a few alleged ills, relegated people’s everyday interests and concerns to an insultingly low level of priority.
In the current corrosive atmosphere every reported misdeed, rumoured or factual, is today greeted with disappointment and a sense of betrayal. On the other side of the political divide, there is mounting evidence of unbridled glee at this process of self-inflicted political damage. And all this is taking place within less than a year in the life of the current administration. The GHRA views with alarm this emerging reality and is concerned about its potential impact on the process of good governance that all Guyanese demand and expect to receive as of right. Explanations after the event, whether contrite or self-serving, are no longer plausible.
President Granger, the novice politician, may not be aware that this crisis exists and may therefore not see the need to deal with it. President Granger the historian, however, should readily appreciate the warning signs. History is replete with examples of how and how not to deal with such situations as Guyana is facing today. In recognising that a crisis exists, the President now needs to demonstrate to the nation his appreciation of the fact that the Harmon affair is a symptom of all that is threatening to the realisation of his best intentions. In so doing, he must now lead from in front.
The most fundamental issue to be addressed is how to involve people as citizens, not simply as voters and critics, however well meaning. The specific hallmarks of effective citizenship include political accountability through constitutional reform; recognition that national unity is not attained by invitation, but by actions based on the principle of inclusivity; and enforcement of guidelines regarding political impropriety. A programme of this nature would also provide substance to the upcoming 50th Anniversary celebrations of transition from subjects to citizens, a process far from complete and more readily reversible than generally appreciated. The 2015 elections were a slender victory for the APNU+AFC coalition. The opportunity exists to begin a process of transforming the political landscape from “to the victor belong the spoils,” to one which seeks to ensure that the spoils of victory redound to the benefit of all of Guyana’s citizens.
Executive Committee
Guyana Human Rights Association

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