MAYOR and City Council (M&CC) officials yesterday held a meeting with vendors of Merriman Mall and reduced the daily stall fee from $1,500 to $1,000, while promising to have the vending facility completed in three weeks time.The vendors were moved from their original spots earlier this year and made to do business between Cummings and Light Streets on Merriman Mall, with the City Council citing untidiness at the location as the reason for the removal.
About two weeks ago, the vendors moved back between Orange Walk and Cummings Street and have so far commented that they are quite comfortable with their new surroundings and are grateful for the reduction in their stall fee, although originally they had paid $300 per day.

One woman, who has been vending some 36 years at this location, told this newspaper that the new settings are fine, except that the plyboard separating the stalls are too high. “We cannot see out on the road; we can’t leave for the washroom or anywhere else.” She said she was much more comfortable with the fee at $1,000. “It’s a bit high but better than $1,500. Business is slow but it picks up in the evening.”
Another woman, vending for some 20 years on Merriman Mall, said business is slow but not necessarily as a result of the move. Furthermore, she said she doesn’t mind paying $1,000 as the City Council promised to put in the stands and other facilities such as security, light, water and so forth. Previously, the vendors had to put up their own structures and then take them down each week.
Amar Sugrim, vending for 15 years there, said he is happy he doesn’t have to build stall structures in the sun every week. “We find $1,000 is much better. They said they will finish the lighting, compactor (to store their garbage), and shed for the sun, in three weeks time. They have already installed water.”
Sugrim said the City Council has also promised to cut down the plyboards or put in steel. “The space is a bit too small. It is seven feet in width and 10-14 feet in length. What we had was one and a half of this, but we will make do with this for now until we can meet them again and work something out.”
One other vendor told this newspaper that although the market has for years been opening on only four days a week, the City Council ought to be able to make a more permanent arrangement to facilitate the vendors every day.
“The reduction in price is a little relief, but I am just wondering what would be our fate when the rain falls. Ever since we came over here, we didn’t have rains,” said another vendor.
Other vendors complained that the entrances to Merriman Mall are closed to vehicles and every day it is a hassle with the security guards to get their vehicles in to offload their items.
Geeta Singh, a plant vendor for many years, said the stall is a bit small. However, she is grateful to Town Clerk Royston King for lowering the fees. “They promised to complete the stalls in about three weeks’ time. We look forward to working with them.”