Dear Editor,
I WAS recently told by someone who has a child at one of the Municipal Day Care Centres in Georgetown that City Hall is planning to introduce a Night Care Service in order to augment the current Day Care Service it offers. One can only hope that this is some sort of All Fool’s Day Joke being made early by someone at City Hall.It should be noted that the Municipality Day Care Services are a financial burden to the citizenry, since it has to be subsidised by the City Council each month. The same would have to be done for the Night Care Service,thereby adding more fiscal strain to the supposedly cash-strapped Council.
Some of the questions I would like to ask include the following: does the Council have suitable persons to provide night-care services, or will this be an opportunity for them to hire more friends and relatives? Is the physical environment suitable for night care? Are the premises safe, secure and suitable for this purpose, or will the occasion be taken to increase the contract with the private guard service for a few more millions? Does the Council have the requisite equipment? Beds and other furniture, equipment and toys would need to be provided, which are appropriate for this purpose in order to create an accessible and stimulating environment.
Why is City Hall trying to bite off more than it can chew ? Are these diversionary tactics to take the eyes of the citizens off of the real problems the city faces and which the Council should be addressing? What we need at this stage are the pot-holed roads fixed; the missing and defective street lights fixed or replaced; the stray animals removed from our city streets; a modern abattoir to slaughter our animals; a well-trained City Police Department to tackle crime; more efficient refuse removal and disposal; better mosquito and vector control to alleviate the Zika, dengue and the chikungunya viruses; a new cemetery, as the old one is filled up; a properly landscaped city, and so much more. I do believe that this is just another ploy to hire or rehire a friend or relative of a Councillor or senior officer, and another occasion to squander the taxpayers’ dollars. The new Council must put an end to this squandermania
Sean Moniz
City Hall moving from day care to night care