Baby chopped during row over fowl

A ONE-YEAR-OLD baby was allegedly chopped to the head and her father wounded during a heated argument over a fowl at Two Friends Village, East Coast Demerara on Wednesday.A source told Guyana Chronicle that the incident took place around 15:30h and lasted about five minutes. According to reports reaching this newspaper, the father of the child, Deon Daly, was sitting on his step holding his baby when a man, identified only as ‘Satan’, rode up on a bicycle, armed with a cutlass, and began an argument with him over a fowl.
Guyana Chronicle understands that as the argument escalated the man threatened Daly that he would “chop up” him and his baby, prompting him to give the child to its mother. As the child’s mother collected her, the man entered the yard and dealt the baby a chop to her head and Daly a sharp wound to his hand. Persons who gathered around managed to stop the battle and Daly and his family reported the matter at the Clonbrook Police Outpost. The baby was then taken to the Georgetown Public Hospital (GPH). Persons said they believed Daly was wounded in an attempt to save his daughter’s life.


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